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to one day, you should receive an acknowledgement at that address.

Please write in English if possible, as the Emacs maintainers
usually do not have translators for other languages.

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug, and
the precise symptoms of the bug.  If you can, give a recipe
starting from `emacs -Q':

Please read the main issue on step 8 first.  This stuff is just a crazy workaround for that.

1. Started emacs on mac os x lion 10.7.3
2. Started shell M-x shell
3. Created buffer with very long text name starting with 4 spaces
   c-x b c-q spc c-q spc c-q spc c-q spc Now, start the server and you are ready to sign in and sign out. You can also block user access in any controller by calling authenticate_user! in a before filter. Just remember that, if you add the filter to your application controller, remember to skip the filter on the sessions controller, otherwise you won’t be able to sign in in the first place.
4. confirm with a 'return'
5. Repeat with slightly more spaces and complex buffer name
    c-x b c-q spc c-q spc c-q spc c-q spc c-q spc c-q spc You can now freely proceed to implement the other controllers and views in your application. Keep in mind that if you have devise :recoverable in your model, all the related methods like User.send_reset_password_instructions will already be available in your model, so you can use them straight away to implement your own reset password feature. Since Devise use all those methods internally, if you have any questions about implementing your own reset password feature, you can always take a look at Devise own controllers for some help.
     confirm by 'return'
 6. Emacs hangs using ~100% of cpu
 7. I sampled emacs from the activity monitor and attached file.