messages from 2019-09-29 07:39:36 to 2019-09-30 05:56:58 UTC [more...]
describe-key vs. widget red tape
2019-09-30 5:56 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#139: "
bug#108: 23.0.60; Feature request: Menu item "load init files" after -q/-Q
2019-09-30 5:54 UTC
bug#25126: 26.0.50; Gnus reacts poorly to email flags being changed behind its back
2019-09-30 5:49 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#19822: url-retrieve: allow to fail when no document is associated with the URI
2019-09-30 5:47 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#37556: gpg "-unknown" version string
2019-09-30 5:34 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#25318: 24.5; Put `M-s' on a prefix keymap in Isearch
2019-09-30 5:31 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#31665: libxml-parse-html-region' doesn't extract text in tables
2019-09-30 5:28 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#17090: desktop.el saves unusable register data in register-alist
2019-09-30 4:40 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#20709: 25.0.50; anonymous functions in `auto-mode-alist'
2019-09-30 4:39 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#8003: 23.1; Background of mouse is incorrect
2019-09-30 4:17 UTC (10+ messages)
bug#16770: Erroneous interaction between electric-indent-mode and electric-indent-local-mode
2019-09-30 4:00 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#16928: 24.3.50; file _flymake not deleted on remote hosts
2019-09-30 3:54 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#28182: maybe implement CTRL++ to zoom text
2019-09-30 3:52 UTC (19+ messages)
bug#20258: 24.5; format-time-string miscounting of multibyte characters
2019-09-30 3:09 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#18380: 24.3.93; sh-script multiline quoted subshell wreaks havoc with indentation
2019-09-30 2:54 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18423: 24.3; emacs crash when ecb is called
2019-09-30 2:50 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18447: 24.3; transfer case doesn't work in some instances
2019-09-30 2:48 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18548: Emacs whitespace mode
2019-09-30 2:43 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18555: 24.4.50; butlast and nbutlast doesn't handle improper lists
2019-09-30 2:39 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#37559: network-stream-tests hangs on Windows
2019-09-30 2:21 UTC
bug#18864: 24.4; F4 may be inserted into emacs macro when blink-matching-paren is enabled
2019-09-30 1:49 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18894: 24.4.51; Erratic freezing on Cygwin
2019-09-30 1:47 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18922: 24.3; Not clear how to use TeX input method
2019-09-30 1:45 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19039: 24.3; latex-mode paragraph-separate of \pagebreak[0]
2019-09-30 1:33 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19591: 24.4; file & buffer compare failures
2019-09-30 1:08 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19807: 24.4; Percentage symbol not displayed in column header in tabulated-list-mode
2019-09-30 1:05 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20126: 24.3; emacs 24.3.1 calc curve fitting bug
2019-09-30 0:47 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20205: 24.4; lgrep will not accept a directory of ~ to search; problem with read-file-name?
2019-09-30 0:41 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20243: True color terminal support
2019-09-30 0:39 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#20243: bug#22110: True color support
bug#20370: 24.3; "display: no font available" after resize
2019-09-30 0:26 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20403: Format of NEWS (navigating in it)
2019-09-30 0:24 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20409: 24.5; Weird effect when selecting region with DejaVu Sans Mono font on Windows
2019-09-30 0:17 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20510: 25.0.50; Underscore hidden by underline
2019-09-30 0:10 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20598: 25.0.50; Dired: re-use buffers
2019-09-30 0:05 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20609: 25.0.50; How to I easily generate the "action stamp" given a commit hash?
2019-09-29 23:57 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20660: 25.0.50; Window pops now issue "Args out of range" with popwin mode enabled
2019-09-29 23:50 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20675: 24.3; emacsclient cannot talk to emacs
2019-09-29 23:46 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20694: 25.0.50; Please bind `p' and `n' in apropos-mode
2019-09-29 23:40 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20922: blinking in linux console
2019-09-29 23:35 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#20922: acknowledged by developer ()
bug#20743: 24.4; Meta on left win key doesn't work
2019-09-29 23:28 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#37557: 27.0.50; Tramp consistently causes Emacs to crash when quickly scrolling remote file
2019-09-29 23:25 UTC
bug#20971: 24.4; occur-1 makes my buffer read-only
2019-09-29 23:16 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20980: 24.5; Bash completion doesn't work properly
2019-09-29 22:50 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#20992: 25.0.50; `virtual-dired': (1) doc typo, (2) unclear
2019-09-29 22:44 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21123: emacsclient silently eats keys on startup
2019-09-29 22:37 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21304: 24.5; follow-switch-to-buffer changes positions
2019-09-29 22:29 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21570: 24.5; prog-mode unconditionally sets require-final-newline
2019-09-29 22:19 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21643: 25.0.50; Error "<nil> <down-mouse-1> is undefined"
2019-09-29 22:13 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21647: 24.5; Perl-mode indenting fooled by ...=cut region
2019-09-29 22:11 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#21647: [Patch] Don't let perl indentation get fooled by =cut
bug#21658: 24.5; Scrolling garbles text with third monitor enabled
2019-09-29 21:58 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21777: 25.0.50; gud-gdb uses a pager, which is harmful inside emacs
2019-09-29 21:49 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21893: 25.0.50; Using scroll-*-command in follow-mode
2019-09-29 21:40 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21905: 24.3; Emacs doesn't support tmux-256color
2019-09-29 21:37 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21937: Fwd: Ediff 2.81.5 of July 4, 2013; very slow commands p,n
2019-09-29 21:30 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#21963: Spurious byte compile message: "Warning: the function `bar' might not be defined at runtime."
2019-09-29 21:24 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#22003: 24.5; *vc-dir* show ignored files for Mercurial
2019-09-29 21:19 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#22025: Emacs 25 corrupts Emacs 24 .emacs.desktop
2019-09-29 21:17 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#22035: 24.5; Error running timer (INVALID DATATYPE (PVEC 0xffffffffffffffff))
2019-09-29 21:13 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#11070: 24.0.94; Large stippled images not displayed consistently
2019-09-29 19:29 UTC (12+ messages)
bug#37555: mml-attach-file ascii, big5
2019-09-29 19:21 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#10239: compilation-auto-jump-to-first-error vs. giant binary executables
2019-09-29 18:48 UTC (5+ messages)
` bug#25329: "
bug#30043: 25.3; C-M-e inserts euro character
2019-09-29 18:32 UTC (13+ messages)
bug#14471: 24.1.50; GTK3 shows resize handle which cannot be disabled
2019-09-29 18:13 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#25308: Shorten long "ui-lines" in Custom buffers
2019-09-29 17:55 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#24461: Signing Emacs git release tags
2019-09-29 17:24 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#26432: image-dired: Adding support for PDF thumbnails
2019-09-29 16:57 UTC (5+ messages)
` bug#26432: Acknowledgement (image-dired: Adding support for PDF thumbnails.)
bug#37476: [PATCH] Document ert test selectors in batch mode
2019-09-29 16:34 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#25330: emacs -q always produces an emacs that was partially off screen
2019-09-29 16:26 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#25348: `display` property faces are prioritized above overlays
2019-09-29 16:22 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#30552: 27.0.50; Incorrect link to Early Init File node and Early Init File clarification
2019-09-29 16:15 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#27086: perhaps always use a white background when viewing transparent PNGs etc
2019-09-29 16:11 UTC (10+ messages)
bug#32816: 25.2; M-x eshell crashes Emacs when a window containing a PDF file in pdf-view mode is active
2019-09-29 16:07 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#37517: New rx.el breaks a number of packages - missing symbol rx-submatch-n
2019-09-29 15:17 UTC (9+ messages)
bug#25364: etags malloc problems
2019-09-29 15:17 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#2520: 23.0.91; Dies on SIGHUP
2019-09-29 15:15 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#25519: 25.1; Emacs crashes in efeed and orgmode
2019-09-29 15:13 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#25742: CEDET, EDE bug?
2019-09-29 15:11 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#30758: 25.3; Cannot exit minibuffer with C-g when opening file or switching buffers
2019-09-29 15:10 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#26289: "
bug#26980: 25.2; Freeze & redisplay_internal & macOS
2019-09-29 15:06 UTC (13+ messages)
bug#27281: Fix nlinum missing line numbers
2019-09-29 15:04 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#24213: 25.1.50; Fishy use of delete-window in register.el
2019-09-29 14:58 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#26309: 24.4; vc-git-register doesn't run interactively
2019-09-29 14:50 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#17127: `call-process' circumvents password concealment w/ `read-passwd'
2019-09-29 14:35 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#17130: 24.4.50; Deficient Unicode case folding
2019-09-29 14:23 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#17194: 24.3.50; ComposeKey not working
2019-09-29 14:21 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#17791: 24.3; dead keys
2019-09-29 14:20 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#17241: "
bug#35617: mml secure mode should copy headers to inside the cryptographic payload
2019-09-29 14:12 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#13603: 24.2; Feature Request: Expose more libxml functionality
2019-09-29 14:07 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#17757: 24.4.50; Whitespace changes break signature mark
2019-09-29 14:06 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#15794: Core dump after SIGTERM during GC marking
2019-09-29 14:00 UTC (15+ messages)
bug#14716: ede manual contains many very wide lines
2019-09-29 13:56 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#15420: 24.3; Symbols like 🚴 (U+1F6B4) are not displayed by default
2019-09-29 13:53 UTC (12+ messages)
bug#37552: 27.0.50; Unexpected cursor position after ispell-complete-word
2019-09-29 13:35 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#2541: 23.0.91; doc-view: unexpected scrolling after returning to text mode
2019-09-29 13:32 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#6446: 23.2; doc-view-mode and C-x C-v
2019-09-29 13:19 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#16541: 23.3; doc-view-open-text should grab place in current doc
2019-09-29 13:09 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#21729: doc-view messed up by early auto-revert
2019-09-29 13:03 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#37527: [PATCH] Install C source code for for debugging help
2019-09-29 13:02 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#26996: 25.1; doc-view-revert-buffer doesn't detect file change while using tramp
2019-09-29 12:59 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#33120: 27.0.50; SIGBUS after (setq doc-view-resolution 500)
2019-09-29 12:30 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#8519: 24.0.50; doc-view: allow pdftotext -layout instead of -raw
2019-09-29 12:26 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#11136: 24.0.94; Doc-view does not display pdf correctly
2019-09-29 12:15 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#14799: Request for building PDF manuals in A4 format
2019-09-29 12:12 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#30063: 26.0.90; Silent fail with `rst-compile-pdf-preview'
2019-09-29 12:09 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#31681: 26.1 - 454-page PDF render is corrupt
2019-09-29 12:05 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#31149: 27.0.50; (gui-get-selection nil 'text/html) returns mis-decoded text
2019-09-29 11:48 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#18393: mm-view-pkcs7-verify ignores mml-smime-use
2019-09-29 11:17 UTC (15+ messages)
bug#20319: nnoo.el not properly restoring back end server state
2019-09-29 10:39 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#32004: 25.2; Package-install-package Failed to verify signature file-error Setting current directory No such file or directory
2019-09-29 10:29 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#37551: [PATCH]: Update privacy usage descriptions for macOS 10.15 Catalina (nextstep)
2019-09-29 10:21 UTC
bug#29550: 27.0.50; `not-modified' should be disabled by default
2019-09-29 10:05 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#10842: Cancelling a new mail in message-mode ignores rmail-mail-new-frame
2019-09-29 9:32 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#19752: 25.0.50; fonts in HTML
2019-09-29 8:56 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#30465: 25.3; Sometimes transmission-daemon won't start from Eshell
2019-09-29 8:30 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#24022: 24.5; C indentation failure
2019-09-29 8:27 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#6684: 23.2; "C-c , J" fails in *Article* buffer
2019-09-29 8:22 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#31739: 25.2; Cannot expire articles in virtual group
2019-09-29 8:21 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#35213: Summary commands to go to the next/previous unseen article
2019-09-29 7:57 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#27930: 24.5; The underline of hyperlink text is unbounded
2019-09-29 7:39 UTC (2+ messages)
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