messages from 2015-02-07 19:26:17 to 2015-02-14 04:01:41 UTC [more...]
bug#19851: 25.0.50; package-install-{file,from-buffer} broken
2015-02-14 4:01 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19829: 25.0.50; query-replace in rectangle regions do not honor boundaries
2015-02-14 3:59 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#19844: 25.0.50; No flyspell with erc
2015-02-14 3:46 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19861: 25.0.50; Mac OS X 10.10: tramp fails with "too long for Unix domain socket" error
2015-02-14 3:19 UTC
bug#18539: 24.4.50; gnus registry file seems misnamed
2015-02-14 0:31 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#19860: 25.0.50; One url-retrieve-synchronously call running concurrently with another can freeze it
2015-02-14 0:09 UTC
bug#19817: 24.4; cmdproxy fails on some .exe when given a path argument
2015-02-13 22:34 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#19854: 25.0.50; completion-extra-properties in emacs-25
2015-02-13 22:08 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#19859: 25.0.50; [PATCH] calendar/solar.el (sunrise-sunset): Remove temp-buffer output
2015-02-13 22:05 UTC
bug#19858: 25.0.50; Docstring bug in make-temp-name
2015-02-13 21:57 UTC
bug#17845: 24.2; nnimap performs 'intial sync' on all mailboxes every time 'M-x gnus' is run
2015-02-13 21:20 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#17845: Re-opening; can repro on GNU Emacs
bug#13451: 24.3.50; doc of `window-persistent-parameters' and window parameters generally
2015-02-13 21:06 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#18616: nlinum error on multiple emacsclient instances
2015-02-13 20:41 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19850: 25.0.50; [PATCH] Fix site-lisp paths with NS self-contained apps
2015-02-13 19:41 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#9485: 24.0.50; Frame size and position parameter problems in Windows (and Linux)
2015-02-13 18:57 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#7867: 23.2.92; --fullscreen, --maximized
2015-02-13 18:34 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#6896: In KDE window size changes when starting gnus
2015-02-13 18:31 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19728: 25.0.50; (wrong-type-argument frame-live-p #<dead frame *scratch* 0b54c8d8>)
2015-02-13 18:31 UTC (9+ messages)
bug#19652: 24.4.51; starting full screen frame too large for display
2015-02-13 18:30 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19632: 24.4; display-buffer-at-bottom
2015-02-13 18:30 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19619: 25.0.50; Fullheight frames in daemonized emacsen are wrong width
2015-02-13 18:30 UTC (11+ messages)
bug#7296: display-pixel-height not enough
2015-02-13 18:29 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#5491: Inconsistencies in Setting Frame Size
2015-02-13 18:29 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#6354: 23.2; set-frame-size sets incorrect size
2015-02-13 18:29 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#3983: 23.1; configured frame size not respected
2015-02-13 18:28 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19482: Changing to big font cause display problem
2015-02-13 18:28 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19076: 25.0.50; Switching vertical scroll bars off makes the mode line and buffer area disappear
2015-02-13 18:27 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19846: 25.0.50; Problem with auto-fill-mode and C mode
2015-02-13 18:27 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19075: `toggle-frame-maximized' and `toggle-frame-fullscreen' on Windows
2015-02-13 18:25 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18451: 24.4.50; 'toggle-frame-fullscreen' can cut off minibuffer
2015-02-13 18:24 UTC (15+ messages)
bug#16241: 24.3.50; `M-x mpc' raises (wrong-number-of-arguments window-height 2)
2015-02-13 18:24 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#14627: 24.2; Vertical frame size shrinking
2015-02-13 18:23 UTC (18+ messages)
bug#19855: package-installed-p returns nil for installed packages
2015-02-13 17:07 UTC
bug#19841: 25.0.50; Doc for `transient-mark-mode' should say that highlighting is with face `region'
2015-02-13 15:10 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#18522: 24.4.50; mapcar is very slow
2015-02-13 14:39 UTC (11+ messages)
bug#19853: 25.0.50; ElDoc is displayed whether eldoc-mode is enabled or not
2015-02-13 11:56 UTC
bug#19852: 25.0.50; show-paren-mode in sh-mode freezes Emacs
2015-02-13 11:26 UTC
bug#19841: 25.0.50; Doc for `transient-mark-mode' should say that highlighting is with face `region'
2015-02-13 9:14 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#17636: Implement SCRAM-SHA-1 SASL mechanism
2015-02-13 8:57 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#19688: [patch] add support for emacs daemon on Windows
2015-02-13 8:49 UTC (10+ messages)
bug#18198: Gnus fails to read ~/.newsrc with group names which are not symbols
2015-02-13 8:43 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19573: 24.3.92; Making gnus-newsgroup-name local to *unsent mail* while let-bound!
2015-02-13 7:28 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#2375: 23.0.90; ^ in gnus summary buffer does not work in the nextstep build
2015-02-13 7:18 UTC (15+ messages)
bug#19848: Minibuffer completion does not work with ECB package?
2015-02-12 20:18 UTC
bug#19845: Syntax colors for 'error stop' in F90 mode
2015-02-12 13:17 UTC
bug#19823: 25.0.50; Inferior-python-mode buffer can't be killed if process is dead
2015-02-12 3:42 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19843: comint-mode obliterates previous faces with `comint-highlight-prompt'
2015-02-12 1:53 UTC
bug#19824: 25.0.50; Support goal column in multi-line minibuffer
2015-02-12 0:54 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#19796: 25.0.50; Regression: highlight-lines-matching-regexp can't re-highlight the same string
2015-02-11 21:41 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19737: 24.4; Shift selection misses beginning of region
2015-02-11 20:24 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19809: 24.4; f90-beginning-of-subprogram wrong behavior with string continuation
2015-02-11 19:33 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#19839: 24.4; ffap does not detect file paths with curly braced shell variables
2015-02-11 19:23 UTC
bug#19834: Specifying File Variables - does not allow setting comment-start to semicolon
2015-02-11 18:46 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#19838: 25.0.50; incompatible change not documented
2015-02-11 18:40 UTC
bug#19665: 25.0.50; python.el: mark defun bug when point is in class statement
2015-02-11 15:52 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#19831: 25.0.50; Can't build emacs 25.0.5 with libpng16 support (only libpng15)
2015-02-11 13:13 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#18788: 24.4; vc-git-working-revision vs mode-line gives error
2015-02-11 6:08 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19828: [PATCH] eval.c: couldn't make closures
2015-02-10 12:06 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#19792: Emacs and Voiceover
2015-02-10 9:03 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19611: 25.0.50; Edebug eval expression broken
2015-02-10 8:06 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#19611: also broken on Debian stable
bug#19826: 25.0.50; wrong binding for 'comment-line
2015-02-10 6:09 UTC
bug#19739: 25.0.50; Python tests fail on MS-Windows
2015-02-10 3:53 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#19774: 25.0.50; Emacs crashes when C-u <N> on a Gnus folder (reproducible)
2015-02-10 3:31 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#19696: 24.4; python.el: blank line eldoc error
2015-02-10 2:54 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#19696: "
bug#19650: 25.0.50; python-shell-font-lock-post-command-hook breaks hippie-expand
2015-02-10 2:45 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#19650: closed (25.0.50; python-shell-font-lock-post-command-hook breaks hippie-expand)
bug#19710: 24.4.51; Isearch is broken in comints which relly on regexp
2015-02-10 0:39 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#19820: 24.4; :annotation-function keyword is spelled incorectly in NEWS
2015-02-09 17:31 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#19820: 24.4; :annotation-function keyword is spelled incorrectly "
bug#19813: 24.4; emacs crashes on exit
2015-02-09 17:31 UTC (14+ messages)
bug#19815: 25.0.50; [PATCH] css-mode: function call indentation
2015-02-09 17:27 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#17959: eww: FTP is not supported; but with ftp_proxy, it is
2015-02-09 17:04 UTC (7+ messages)
` bug#17959: support accessing FTP services via HTTP proxies
` bug#19822: url-retrieve: allow to fail when no document is associated with the URI
bug#19748: python.el: navigate to beginning of defun gets stucked
2015-02-09 16:45 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#19748:
bug#19117: 25.0.50; emacs on x11 chooses different fonts for the same face sometimes
2015-02-09 14:58 UTC (25+ messages)
bug#19785: 25.0.50; Let apply-partially make use of `lexical-binding'
2015-02-09 14:42 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19790: [PATCH] destructive splicing in backquote
2015-02-09 13:03 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#19799: Tangentally related to eww-mode Invalid Date bug just filed
2015-02-09 6:29 UTC (7+ messages)
` bug#19798: 24.4; eww-mode error in process sentinel 'Invalid date' when receiving a valid date
` bug#19798: bug#19799: Tangentally related to eww-mode Invalid Date bug just filed
bug#19814: 24.4; pcase-lambda
2015-02-09 5:30 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#19753: 25.0.50; html rendering
2015-02-09 0:06 UTC (9+ messages)
bug#19798: 24.4; eww-mode error in process sentinel 'Invalid date' when receiving a valid date
2015-02-08 20:29 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19802: 24.4.90; set-background-color does nothing in -nw sessions
2015-02-08 18:13 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19791: 25.0.50; Bad HTML rendering
2015-02-08 17:52 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#19731: 24.4; /dev/null is deleted by tramp-sh.el
2015-02-08 10:05 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#19667: 25.0.50; python-completion-at-point complete broken
2015-02-08 4:33 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#19667: python-completion-at-point completely broken
bug#19812: 24.4; suggest `shell-mode' not interactive
2015-02-08 4:07 UTC
bug#19744: 25.0.50; Cannot yank text with "\n" in inferior python mode
2015-02-08 3:39 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19804: 24.4; Cannot send mail with gmail smtp in 24.4
2015-02-08 0:41 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19493: [PATCH] Fix trailing ... for outline-toggle-children
2015-02-08 0:08 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#19637: 25.0.50; ipython eldoc keep visible while typing parameters
2015-02-07 21:45 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19807: 24.4; Percentage symbol not displayed in column header in tabulated-list-mode
2015-02-07 21:29 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#19481: package.el: support .tar archives featuring a pax_global_header entry
2015-02-07 20:26 UTC (9+ messages)
` bug#19481: new tar-header-extractable-p, to use in tar-untar-buffer
bug#19761: python.el: improved hideshow mode support
2015-02-07 19:48 UTC (2+ messages)
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