messages from 2009-07-14 13:46:28 to 2009-07-24 07:42:15 UTC [more...]
bug#3916: 23.1.50; vc with rcs prompt for commit when it shouldn't
2009-07-24 7:42 UTC
bug#3903: 23.1.50; gnus-demon-add-nntp-close-connection doesn't work
2009-07-24 4:00 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3903: marked as done (23.1.50; gnus-demon-add-nntp-close-connection doesn't work)
bug#3892: corrupting load-in-progress value with "let"
2009-07-24 1:51 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#3687: 23.1.50; inconsistency in multibyte eight-bit regexps
2009-07-24 1:08 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#3659: FW: 23.0.95; crash on set-frame-font
2009-07-24 1:07 UTC (18+ messages)
bug#3913: 23.1.50; C-h S in apropos-mode buffer
2009-07-23 22:59 UTC
bug#3221: 23.0.93; ns cannot handle nonascii file names
2009-07-23 22:52 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#3911: 23.1.50; get-free-disk-space relative to non-existent default-directory
2009-07-23 22:19 UTC
bug#3907: bad result for insert-kbd-macro
2009-07-23 21:55 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3909: 23.1.50; Drag drop events in command history?
2009-07-23 20:03 UTC
bug#3767: 23.0.94; Functions in password-cache should be autoloaded
2009-07-23 18:08 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#2845: 23.0.92; 'Save Options' does not save font setting
2009-07-23 16:59 UTC
bug#3040: 23.0.92; Emacs picks the italic version of a font when I choose it from ns-popup-font-panel
2009-07-23 16:49 UTC
Processed (with 2 errors): Re: 23.0.93; OSX: "emacsclient -c" kills the daemon
2009-07-23 16:45 UTC
bug#3233: 23.0.93; [NS] Regression in x-display-pixel-width
2009-07-23 16:42 UTC
bug#3397: NS: modeline shows inactive frame after make-frame
2009-07-23 16:34 UTC
bug#3605: Crash in ns_index_color (nsterm.m:1305)
2009-07-23 15:36 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#3583: 23.0.94; nextstep: emacs crash at OS X startup
2009-07-23 15:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3583: marked as done (23.0.94; nextstep: emacs crash at OS X startup)
bug#3588: NS: wrong font chosen
2009-07-23 15:01 UTC
bug#3652: FTBFS: nsfont.m: 'NSFontTraitsAttribute' undeclared
2009-07-23 14:50 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3652: marked as done (FTBFS: nsfont.m: 'NSFontTraitsAttribute' undeclared)
bug#3589: 23.0.94; [NS/Cocoa] Emacs doesn't work when symlinked
2009-07-23 14:49 UTC
bug#1045: 23.0.60; (Cocoa Emacs)
2009-07-23 14:20 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1045: marked as done (OS X gdb buffers extra trailing ^M)
bug#3714: 23.1.50; [NS/Cocoa] Crash when hovering mode-line-inactive face
2009-07-23 13:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3714: marked as done (23.1.50; [NS/Cocoa] Crash when hovering mode-line-inactive face)
bug#3708: fails to dump or produces segfaults
2009-07-23 13:24 UTC
bug#3834: 23.0.96; font rendering issue on Mac OS X
2009-07-23 12:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3834: marked as done (23.0.96; font rendering issue on Mac OS X)
bug#3720: Fwd: [Aquamacs-bugs] 23.1.50; Duplicate events for C-<tab> keystroke
2009-07-23 12:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3720: marked as done (Fwd: [Aquamacs-bugs] 23.1.50; Duplicate events for C-<tab> keystroke)
bug#2402: 23.0.90; other-window bind to C-tab does not work in the nextstep port
2009-07-23 12:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#2402: marked as done (23.0.90; other-window bind to C-tab does not work in the nextstep port)
bug#1731: 23.0.60; Mac OS X problems with non-ASCII keys
2009-07-23 12:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1731: marked as done (23.0.60; Mac OS X problems with non-ASCII keys)
Processed (with 1 errors): your mail
2009-07-23 12:10 UTC
bug#3792: 23.1.50; other-window misbehaving with C-tab keybinding
2009-07-23 12:00 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3792: marked as done (23.1.50; other-window misbehaving with C-tab keybinding)
bug#3904: 23.1.50; [PATCH] keyboard translating with timer doesn't work well
2009-07-23 9:23 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3888: Some variables get the wrong, platform-specific, documentation
2009-07-23 2:43 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#3379: marked as done (23.0.94; Crash after accessing Options > Set Default Font...)
2009-07-23 0:40 UTC
bug#3775: 23.0.90; customize-variable broken - 'Customize Buffer' contents dumped into 'current' buffer
2009-07-22 10:11 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#3900: fill-comment-paragraph fails (e.g.) in perl-mode POD
2009-07-22 3:49 UTC
bug#3864: 23.1.50; docstring url hyperlinks
2009-07-22 3:36 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#3864: marked as done (23.1.50; docstring url hyperlinks)
Processed: control
2009-07-22 3:05 UTC
bug#3889: 23.1.50; [PATCH] Increase blink-matching-paren-distance
2009-07-22 2:40 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#3889: marked as done (23.1.50; [PATCH] Increase blink-matching-paren-distance)
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-21 20:55 UTC
bug#3879: 23.0.96; can't previous-line
2009-07-21 20:20 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3879: marked as done (23.0.96; can't previous-line)
bug#3896: 23.1.50; hs-minor-mode shows only dots when function is folded
2009-07-21 19:53 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3888: Re: bug#3888: Some variables get the wrong, platform-specific, documentation
2009-07-21 18:59 UTC (2+ messages)
` "
bug#3882: 23.0.60; Typo in Calc manual?
2009-07-21 18:22 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#3882: marked as done (23.0.60; Typo in Calc manual?)
bug#3898: 23.1.50; nxml-extend-after-change-region should not return t
2009-07-21 18:13 UTC
bug#3890: Can I contribute?
2009-07-21 7:00 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3890: marked as done (Can I contribute?)
bug#3888: Some variables get the wrong, platform-specific, documentation
2009-07-20 18:56 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3887: [PATCH] Hive support for sql-mode
2009-07-20 17:46 UTC
bug#3905: 23.1.50; [PATCH] Hive support for sql-mode
2009-07-20 17:45 UTC
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-20 14:05 UTC
Processed: close 3808
2009-07-20 14:00 UTC
bug#3884: 23.1.50; Overflowing pure space
2009-07-20 7:50 UTC
bug#3875: 23.1.50; buffer-substring does not copy the 'invisible property
2009-07-20 0:45 UTC (5+ messages)
` bug#3875: marked as done (23.1.50; buffer-substring does not copy the 'invisible property)
bug#3883: Interleaved builds in separate trees create different versions
2009-07-19 20:02 UTC
bug#3865: Patch for #3865: Would somebody please commit on HEAD and branch?
2009-07-19 5:34 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3862: 23.1.50; error calling `documentation' on calendar-mode
2009-07-19 0:45 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#3862: marked as done (23.1.50; error calling `documentation' on calendar-mode)
bug#3790: 23.0.95; C-x C-s in RMAIL buffer clobbers buffer-file-coding-system
2009-07-19 0:45 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#3790: marked as done (23.0.95; C-x C-s in RMAIL buffer clobbers buffer-file-coding-system)
bug#3873: 23.1.50; docstring of `region-active-p' is nonsensical
2009-07-18 17:45 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#3873: marked as done (23.1.50; docstring of `region-active-p' is nonsensical)
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-18 17:30 UTC
bug#3878: 23.1.50; overlay 'after-string unhides invisible buffer parts
2009-07-18 14:28 UTC
bug#3877: 23.1.50; X protocol error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) on protocol request 53
2009-07-18 14:15 UTC
bug#3833: 23.0.96; Default for desktop-buffers-not-to-save omits files
2009-07-18 12:05 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3833: marked as done (23.0.96; Default for desktop-buffers-not-to-save omits files)
bug#3833: 23.0.96; Default for desktop-buffers-not-to-save omits files
2009-07-18 12:00 UTC (10+ messages)
bug#3876: 23.1.50; count-screen-line does not always use window-start as default
2009-07-18 3:34 UTC
bug#3874: 23.1.50; Overlays before-string and after-string does not obey buffer-visibility-spec
2009-07-17 20:04 UTC
bug#3865: 23.0.95; doc-view-mode with PDF without PNG support
2009-07-17 19:50 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3865: marked as done (23.0.95; doc-view-mode with PDF without PNG support)
bug#3865: Patch for #3865: Would somebody please commit on HEAD and branch?
2009-07-17 18:51 UTC
bug#3868: 23.0.96; Autoloading failed to define function align-regexp
2009-07-17 16:05 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#3868: marked as done (23.0.96; Autoloading failed to define function align-regexp)
bug#3863: 23.1.50; possible save-match-data in copyright.el
2009-07-17 16:00 UTC (10+ messages)
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-17 15:55 UTC
bug#3869: 23.1.50; vc-rcs toggles read-only-mode even when a file is checked out by the same user who has the lock
2009-07-17 6:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3869: marked as done (23.1.50; vc-rcs toggles read-only-mode even when a file is checked out by the same user who has the lock)
2009-07-16 23:54 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#3867: 23.1.50; vc-RCS bug
2009-07-16 21:07 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#3867: marked as done (23.1.50; vc-RCS bug)
bug#3858: 23.1.50; Git VC doesn't work over Tramp
2009-07-16 20:30 UTC (7+ messages)
` bug#3858: marked as done (23.1.50; Git VC doesn't work over Tramp)
bug#3870: dired-do-rename-regexp works backwards through the list
2009-07-16 20:22 UTC
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-16 16:05 UTC
bug#3834: 23.0.96; font rendering issue on Mac OS X
2009-07-16 13:30 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#3863: 23.1.50; possible save-match-data in copyright.el
2009-07-16 2:01 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3860: vc-svn calls "svn resolved" without permission
2009-07-15 19:43 UTC
bug#3807: 23.1.50; vc-dir ignores .gitignore
2009-07-15 19:06 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#3859: 23.1.50; (make-frame '(visibility)) problem on w32
2009-07-15 19:02 UTC
bug#3021: 23.0.92; MEM FULL on Windows after some VC operations
2009-07-15 18:55 UTC (8+ messages)
` Processed (with 2 errors): "
bug#3811: 23.0.96; custom-group-members
2009-07-15 18:45 UTC (5+ messages)
` bug#3811: marked as done (23.0.96; custom-group-members)
bug#3695: 23.0.94; kill-whole-line has no effect
2009-07-15 16:05 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3695: marked as done (23.0.94; kill-whole-line has no effect)
bug#2737: [PATCH] Emacs CVS: (rcirc): Save call args to history variables
2009-07-15 16:05 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#2737: marked as done ([PATCH] Emacs CVS: (rcirc): Save call args to history variables)
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-15 16:05 UTC
Processed: close 40
2009-07-15 16:05 UTC
bug#3856: 23.0.96; doc string of `widget-complete'
2009-07-15 15:51 UTC
bug#3854: 23.1.50; Error msg on OSX when starting second Emacs instance
2009-07-15 13:00 UTC
bug#3852: 23.0.95; set-language-environment-charset doesn't handle non-lists
2009-07-15 12:40 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#3852: marked as done (23.0.95; set-language-environment-charset doesn't handle non-lists)
bug#3846: *shell-mode* error
2009-07-15 8:39 UTC
bug#3494: Review line-move-visual patch
2009-07-15 2:05 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#902: select-active-regions only half-working
2009-07-15 1:40 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#902: marked as done (select-active-regions only half-working)
bug#3848: 23.0.96; Loading library eshell doesn't define user options
2009-07-15 0:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3848: marked as done (23.0.96; Loading library eshell doesn't define user options)
bug#1224: [PATCH] user/group name completion
2009-07-14 20:08 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3829: 23.0.96; Cannot read gpg file
2009-07-14 19:59 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#3824: 23.1.50; too much effort is put into handling Scheme S-expression comments, causing problems
2009-07-14 19:52 UTC (2+ messages)
Processed: control
2009-07-14 18:25 UTC
bug#3846: *shell-mode* error
2009-07-14 18:03 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#3850: 23.1.50; Extra * in info
2009-07-14 17:45 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#3850: marked as done (23.1.50; Extra * in info)
Processed: bug #3847, please close - merge with #3849
2009-07-14 15:45 UTC
bug#3849: 23.0.96; Eshell manual - mostly empty etc
2009-07-14 15:30 UTC
bug#3847: 23.0.96; Eshell manual, node 3.2 Completion is empty
2009-07-14 15:21 UTC
Processed: close 3839
2009-07-14 14:55 UTC
Processed: merge 3840 3845
2009-07-14 14:55 UTC
Processed: reassign spam
2009-07-14 14:50 UTC
bug#3844: 23.1.50; Sample of code in manual does not compile
2009-07-14 14:49 UTC
bug#3794: Error in json from gdb-ui
2009-07-14 13:46 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#3840: Several other problems in gdb-mi [RE: bug#3794: Error in json from gdb-ui]
` bug#3845: "
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