messages from 2008-12-10 17:19:00 to 2008-12-18 10:45:02 UTC [more...]
bug#1549: 23.0.60; Problem with word wrap plus cua mode
2008-12-18 10:45 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#1549: marked as done (23.0.60; Problem with word wrap plus cua mode)
bug#1153: default for comment-style not very good
2008-12-18 9:30 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1153: marked as done (default for comment-style not very good)
bug#1585: 23.0.60; vc-dir-toggle-mark error
2008-12-18 8:40 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1585: marked as done (23.0.60; vc-dir-toggle-mark error)
bug#889: "Recover Crashed Session" fails "No files can be recovered"
2008-12-18 8:15 UTC
bug#1: testing mailing archived bugs
2008-12-18 8:03 UTC
bug#1: testing mailing archived bugs
2008-12-18 7:20 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-18 6:40 UTC
bug#1621: Please move cperl micro-docs to top of the cperl-mode.el file
2008-12-18 5:14 UTC
bug#1615: (info "(emacs)Environment") should note how to remove ENV variables too
2008-12-18 5:12 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#1620: Carbon: hang when edit file on network
2008-12-18 4:44 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-18 1:05 UTC
bug#1612: Bug fixed
2008-12-17 23:28 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-17 22:20 UTC
bug#1612: Org-menu "Set Items" not bound
2008-12-17 21:26 UTC
bug#1589: 23.0.60; vc-dir erroneously reports "No changes between working revision and workfile"
2008-12-17 21:14 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#1611: more details
2008-12-17 20:58 UTC
bug#1574: 23.0.60; gnus fail to attach file when sending mail
2008-12-17 20:38 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#1611: 23.0.60; smooth-scroll sluggish
2008-12-17 20:15 UTC
bug#1571: only one word about git in (info "(emacs)Version Control")
2008-12-17 19:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1571: marked as done (only one word about git in (info "(emacs)Version Control"))
Processed: your mail
2008-12-17 19:30 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-17 18:50 UTC
bug#1: third test of mailing an archived bug
2008-12-17 18:37 UTC
bug#1598: Please add easy key bindings for outline-(minor-)mode
2008-12-17 16:49 UTC (4+ messages)
` Processed: "
bug#1606: Acknowledgement (We have found your lost message)
2008-12-17 16:20 UTC
bug#1605: Test
2008-12-17 16:10 UTC
bug#1471: 23.0.60; Visiting GnuPG-encrypted file yields "file exists, but cannot be read"
2008-12-17 7:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1471: marked as done (23.0.60; Visiting GnuPG-encrypted file yields "file exists, but cannot be read")
Processed: your mail
2008-12-17 7:05 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-17 7:00 UTC
bug#1512: 23.0.60; SPC, TAB during completion do not do word completion, prefix completion
2008-12-17 6:40 UTC (12+ messages)
` bug#1512: 23.0.60; SPC, TAB during completion do not do word completion, prefixcompletion
` Processed: Re: bug#1512: 23.0.60; SPC, TAB during completion do not do word completion, prefix completion
Processed: Cygwin != w32
2008-12-17 6:23 UTC
bug#1545: 23.0.60; scroll-bar-mode and fringe
2008-12-17 3:03 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#1407: closed by Glenn Morris <> (Re: bug#1407: end keyword bug)
2008-12-16 22:10 UTC
bug#1576: 23.0.60; Accented character input on OS X doesn't work right
2008-12-16 19:21 UTC
bug#1348: set-frame-width and set-frame-position seem buggy on at least MSWindows
2008-12-16 17:11 UTC (17+ messages)
bug#1575: 23.0.60; org mode help hangs
2008-12-16 14:54 UTC
bug#1547: face-font-rescale-alist has no effect
2008-12-16 11:33 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#1593: ruby-mode: problems with font-lock
2008-12-16 11:06 UTC
bug#1591: Failed to compile emacs from CVS with the new glibc-2.9-3.i686
2008-12-16 8:50 UTC
bug#1586: prefix arg when mouse clicking on header line
2008-12-15 20:58 UTC
bug#1583: 23.0.60; set-fontset-font doesn't work for ascii charset
2008-12-15 13:50 UTC
bug#1582: 23.0.60; GTK+: missing pixel after detaching tool bar
2008-12-15 12:15 UTC
bug#1581: eval-last-sexp truncation: mention in docstring
2008-12-15 3:01 UTC
bug#1562: 23.0.60; modify-frame-parameters in Emacs 23 for fonts
2008-12-14 17:30 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#1580: zap-to-char too raw, or document
2008-12-14 15:28 UTC
bug#1578: 23.0.60; [EmacsCarbon] emacsclient -c make emacs very slow (under Mac OSX)
2008-12-14 3:55 UTC
bug#1569: 23.0.60; Newsticker TreeView, N key not working properly
2008-12-14 3:30 UTC
bug#1: second test of mailing an archived bug
2008-12-14 1:10 UTC
bug#1566: 23.0.60; bug #1352 was closed before the last input
2008-12-13 23:42 UTC (5+ messages)
Processed: your mail
2008-12-13 23:18 UTC
bug#1565: 23.0.60; bug #374 is still a bug
2008-12-13 23:17 UTC (3+ messages)
Processed (with 1 errors): your mail
2008-12-13 23:10 UTC
bug#1564: 23.0.60; bug #146 is still a bug
2008-12-13 23:00 UTC (3+ messages)
` Processed: "
bug#1: test of mailing an archived bug
2008-12-13 21:28 UTC
bug#1555: OSX not containing enough paths (emacs lisp fix included)
2008-12-13 19:42 UTC (2+ messages)
Processed: your mail
2008-12-13 19:30 UTC
bug#1560: 23.0.60; Cannot use function as value of :height face attribute
2008-12-13 18:17 UTC
bug#1213: emacs GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-pc-solaris2.10, X toolkit)
2008-12-13 18:15 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#1213: marked as done (emacs GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-pc-solaris2.10, X toolkit) )
bug#1067: 23.0.60; vc-dir (git): doesn't update "branch" line
2008-12-13 18:05 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1067: marked as done (23.0.60; vc-dir (git): doesn't update "branch" line)
bug#1078: 23.0.60; font faces setting ignored by emacsclient vs --daemon, when Viper mode is loaded
2008-12-13 18:05 UTC
bug#1529: 23.0.60; Recursive load: tramp.elc
2008-12-13 13:30 UTC (4+ messages)
Processed: your mail
2008-12-13 4:30 UTC
bug#1534: Font lock decoration levels mismatch?
2008-12-13 4:25 UTC (5+ messages)
` bug#1534: marked as done (Font lock decoration levels mismatch?)
Processed: your mail
2008-12-13 3:50 UTC
bug#1504: 23.0.60; emacs daemon leaks memory
2008-12-13 0:12 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#1504: marked as done (23.0.60; emacs daemon leaks memory)
` bug#1504: closed by Chong Yidong <> (Re: 23.0.60; "
bug#1554: 23.0.60; void variable `bounds'
2008-12-12 21:35 UTC (4+ messages)
` Processed: "
Processed: your mail
2008-12-12 19:30 UTC
bug#1550: 23.0.60; bad help xref or bad info installation?
2008-12-12 19:15 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#1551: 23.0.60; declare-function: redundant `nil' arg
2008-12-12 19:15 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#1551: marked as done (23.0.60; declare-function: redundant `nil' arg)
` Processed: Re: bug#1551: 23.0.60; declare-function: redundant `nil' arg
bug#1537: diff-mode for git patches trouble
2008-12-12 19:15 UTC (5+ messages)
` Processed: "
bug#1540: emacsclient -t fails under su
2008-12-12 19:02 UTC (9+ messages)
` Processed: "
bug#1553: 23.0.60; footnote-mode confusion
2008-12-12 17:56 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-12 12:25 UTC
bug#1541: 23.0.60; Emacs don't see $PATH
2008-12-12 12:15 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#1541: marked as done (23.0.60; Emacs don't see $PATH)
bug#1548: -fn "-*-nonexistent" choses a font with no latin characters
2008-12-12 11:19 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-12 4:25 UTC
bug#1471: 23.0.60; Visiting GnuPG-encrypted file yields "file exists, but cannot be read"
2008-12-12 4:14 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-12 4:10 UTC
bug#981: 23.0.60; doc of debug-on-error
2008-12-12 4:05 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#981: marked as done (23.0.60; doc of debug-on-error)
Processed: your mail
2008-12-12 4:05 UTC
bug#1191: How to contribute back changes for Emacs on Solaris
2008-12-12 3:15 UTC (7+ messages)
` bug#1191: marked as done (How to contribute back changes for Emacs on Solaris)
bug#1542: link emacs functions in Info
2008-12-12 0:31 UTC
bug#1171: #1171 - ns-version-string - Emacs bug report logs
2008-12-11 23:46 UTC (13+ messages)
` bug#1171: ns-version-string
Processed: your mail
2008-12-11 22:55 UTC
Processed: Bug#1539 change of tags / patch
2008-12-11 22:50 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-11 22:10 UTC
bug#1298: allow 'emacsclient -a "emacs --daemon && emacsclient -c"'
2008-12-11 21:25 UTC (23+ messages)
` bug#1298: marked as done (allow 'emacsclient -a "emacs --daemon && emacsclient -c"')
bug#1524: 23.0.60; gs.el - This code is experimental. Don't use it
2008-12-11 18:58 UTC (2+ messages)
Processed: your mail
2008-12-11 18:05 UTC
bug#1488: 23.0.60; dired-pop-to-buffer: use fit-window-to-buffer
2008-12-11 17:29 UTC (9+ messages)
` bug#1488: marked as done (23.0.60; dired-pop-to-buffer: use fit-window-to-buffer)
bug#1496: 23.0.60; comint-delete-output should copy region to the kill ring
2008-12-11 16:48 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#1495: emacs -nw inserts unwanted chars if user is impatient
2008-12-11 16:32 UTC
bug#1107: #1107 - 23.0.60; Emacs --daemon crashes when emacsclient tries to establish a connection on OS X - Emacs bug report logs
2008-12-11 16:22 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#872: Crash displaying byte-code
2008-12-11 15:45 UTC (10+ messages)
` bug#872: marked as done (Crash displaying byte-code)
` bug#1179: Emacs on Windows hangs displaying unibyte strings
` bug#1179: marked as done (Emacs on Windows hangs displaying unibyte strings)
` bug#1446: 23.0.60; GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-11-28 crash on "C-h b"
` bug#1446: marked as done (23.0.60; GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-11-28 crash on "C-h b")
` bug#1447: 23.0.60; emacs crash
` bug#1447: marked as done (23.0.60; emacs crash)
` bug#1448: 23.0.60; update to cvs emacs crash report
` bug#1448: marked as done (23.0.60; update to cvs emacs crash report)
bug#547: 23.0.60; Euro symbol not displayed
2008-12-11 15:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#547: marked as done (23.0.60; Euro symbol not displayed)
bug#1096: The Emacs 23 cann't display the cjk extb characters again
2008-12-11 13:20 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#1096: marked as done (The Emacs 23 cann't display the cjk extb characters again.)
bug#1514: 23.0.60; Since some days (recentf-mode 1) fails with --daemon
2008-12-11 12:10 UTC (11+ messages)
` bug#1514: marked as done (23.0.60; Since some days (recentf-mode 1) fails with --daemon)
bug#1535: 23.0.60; emacsclient returns immediately without opening a frame
2008-12-11 11:05 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#1535: marked as done (23.0.60; emacsclient returns immediately without opening a frame)
Processed: bug 1096 is still there, but w32 specific
2008-12-11 6:30 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-10 20:40 UTC
bug#1533: 23.0.60; `apropos-print' doesn't work
2008-12-10 19:27 UTC
bug#1532: suggestion: open dir in dired using same buffer
2008-12-10 18:52 UTC
Processed: your mail
2008-12-10 18:45 UTC
Processed: close 1456
2008-12-10 17:45 UTC
bug#1456: Cannot Put Non-ASCII Characters in Init Files
2008-12-10 17:19 UTC (2+ messages)
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