messages from 2008-06-07 16:52:36 to 2008-06-21 19:55:04 UTC [more...]
bug#451: 23.0.60; x-gtk-map-stock destroys match data
2008-06-21 19:55 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#451: marked as done (23.0.60; x-gtk-map-stock destroys match data)
bug#456: menu-bar does not resize window
2008-06-21 19:44 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#459: Zero-length overlays, overlay keymaps, and `overlays-at'
2008-06-21 15:37 UTC
bug#458: [PATCH] Restrain the load message when emacs running with --script option
2008-06-21 15:15 UTC
bug#457: 23.0.60; wdired and auto-revert-mode
2008-06-21 13:53 UTC
bug#463: multiple line Local Variables at the TOP of a file
2008-06-21 9:59 UTC
bug#462: append-region-to-file as alias for append-to-file
2008-06-21 9:47 UTC
bug#461: delete-window means "get out of my face" even for sole window
2008-06-21 9:29 UTC
bug#439: 22.2.50; crash: process-send-string, nntp-with-open-group-function
2008-06-21 7:37 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#455: emacs question
2008-06-21 2:35 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#454: file-precious-flag overwrites symlinks
2008-06-20 17:18 UTC
bug#453: 23.0.60; rfc822-bad-address: wrong-type-argument error
2008-06-20 15:34 UTC
bug#440: Build error on Solaris
2008-06-20 15:07 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#450: Enriched mode's directly sets C-a binding
2008-06-19 21:57 UTC
bug#443: [Fwd: emacs installation - segmentation fault during unexec]
2008-06-19 18:14 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#431: 23.0.60; `display-buffer' opens vertical instead of horizontal windows
2008-06-19 16:56 UTC (8+ messages)
` bug#431: marked as done (23.0.60; `display-buffer' opens vertical instead of horizontal windows)
` bug#431: closed by Stefan Monnier <> (Re: bug#431: 23.0.60; "
Processed: Re: Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed
2008-06-19 14:25 UTC
bug#47: 'default' face not set properly in new frame
2008-06-19 1:59 UTC
bug#447: last-nonmenu-event and sub-menus
2008-06-18 23:06 UTC
Processed: Re: bug#438: Symbol's function definition is void: incf
2008-06-18 21:05 UTC
bug#446: flyspelling in the minibuffer
2008-06-18 19:25 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#446: Acknowledgement (flyspelling in the minibuffer)
bug#445: Invalid read syntax in savehist-mode's history file
2008-06-18 18:32 UTC
bug#117: followup to bug report not included in bug tracker; diverse automatic Subject lines; ACK noise
2008-06-18 13:48 UTC
bug#441: 23.0.60; Complicated combination of keymaps/remapping mistreated
2008-06-18 9:30 UTC
bug#117: followup to bug report not included in bug tracker; diverse automatic Subject lines; ACK noise
2008-06-18 7:13 UTC
bug#424: new feature: killed-buffer
2008-06-17 20:22 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#438: Symbol's function definition is void: incf
2008-06-17 15:26 UTC
bug#437: 23.0.60; Emacs aborts when IceWM is restarted
2008-06-17 14:38 UTC
bug#426: 23.0.60; C-h k <down-mouse-2> in *Calendar* does not work
2008-06-17 6:10 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#426: marked as done (23.0.60; C-h k <down-mouse-2> in *Calendar* does not work)
bug#434: Minor Enhancement: Toggle narrowing/widen a function region and all
2008-06-17 5:53 UTC
bug#433: 23.0.60; Plist entry in elisp manual
2008-06-17 2:46 UTC
bug#432: 23.0.60; Default font
2008-06-17 0:27 UTC
2008-06-16 22:18 UTC
bug#429: 23.0.60; Face settings not preserved in new frame
2008-06-16 19:55 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#430: Add MFT to bug reports
2008-06-16 19:08 UTC
bug#428: 23.0.60; crash on Mac OS X
2008-06-16 10:58 UTC
bug#427: 23.0.60; emacsclient -t not working within "less"
2008-06-16 10:32 UTC
bug#425: 23.0.60; Hang in wait_reading_process_output
2008-06-16 8:36 UTC
bug#422: 23.0.60; buggy diary-float function?
2008-06-16 2:45 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#422: marked as done (23.0.60; buggy diary-float function?)
bug#403: 23.0.60; two bugs with internal-border-width
2008-06-16 2:20 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#423: flymake faces hard to read on dark backgrounds
2008-06-15 21:00 UTC
bug#421: problems with async "shell-command" and gnome-open
2008-06-15 19:00 UTC
bug#420: Customize not saving faces whose values are hidden
2008-06-15 18:19 UTC
bug#21: Scrolling occasionally stops in *compilation*
2008-06-15 17:55 UTC (9+ messages)
` which bug messages should be sent where? (was: Scrolling occasionally stops in *compilation*)
` which bug messages should be sent where?
` bug#388: which bug messages should be sent where? (was: Scrolling occasionally stops in *compilation*)
bug#416: flymake highlights errors from wrong file
2008-06-15 16:27 UTC
bug#419: switch-to-buffer too easy to create new buffers
2008-06-15 13:15 UTC
bug#418: origin of some functions still a mystery in *Help*
2008-06-15 13:12 UTC
bug#417: dired-guess-shell-alist-user examples enhancement
2008-06-15 12:28 UTC
bug#396: 23.0.60; Quail (swedish postfix) broken in console
2008-06-15 4:55 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#396: marked as done (23.0.60; Quail (swedish postfix) broken in console)
bug#410: 23.0.60; display-buffer regression
2008-06-14 22:34 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#414: 23.0.60; Womang hangs on some links
2008-06-14 21:10 UTC
bug#374: Info header line does not respect mouse-1-click-follows-link
2008-06-14 20:34 UTC (16+ messages)
` bug#374: Info header line does not respectmouse-1-click-follows-link
bug#401: bug in HTML or XML syntax highlighting code
2008-06-14 20:19 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#384: Compiled emacs fails to run
2008-06-14 18:10 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#393: "
` bug#412: "
` bug#412: marked as done (Compiled emacs fails to run)
bug#394: wdired-change-to-wdired-mode can cause file deletion
2008-06-14 17:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#394: marked as done (wdired-change-to-wdired-mode can cause file deletion)
bug#411: 23.0.60; flet and byte-compilation
2008-06-14 15:17 UTC
bug#405: Emacs 22.2.1 in X behaves improperly when run with low memory limits
2008-06-14 4:42 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#367: compilation-scroll-output not working on certain long line
2008-06-14 2:10 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#407: gpm server stop making emacs abort()
2008-06-13 22:18 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#406: 23.0.60; customize or whatever to disable gpm-mouse-mode
2008-06-13 22:00 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#409: "
bug#404: marked as done (23.0.60; emacs-report-bug fails silently)
2008-06-13 17:30 UTC
bug#372: comint-previous-input broken in C-u M-x compile buffer
2008-06-13 16:50 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#372: marked as done (comint-previous-input broken in C-u M-x compile buffer)
bug#385: [PATCH] comment-indent doesn't respect comment-indent-function
2008-06-13 16:47 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#385: [PATCH] comment-indent doesn't respect
bug#366: Problem executing emacs
2008-06-13 16:08 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#404: 23.0.60; emacs-report-bug fails silently
2008-06-13 14:17 UTC
bug#400: 23.0.60; C-h v should pick up lispified name in Customize
2008-06-12 21:28 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#398: 23.0.60; M-x customize-option Info-hide TAB not recognized
2008-06-12 21:00 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#399: 23.0.60; comint-dynamic-complete doesn't complete name of executable in current directory
2008-06-12 16:25 UTC
bug#397: 23.0.60; T in Info when in (dir)
2008-06-12 15:53 UTC
Processed: Closing fixed bugs
2008-06-12 14:50 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#119 acknowledged by developer (Closing fixed bugs)
bug#201: Setting default face font on W32
2008-06-12 10:36 UTC
Processed: reassign to
2008-06-12 4:50 UTC
Processed: Reassign these bugs to a new package
2008-06-12 4:45 UTC
Processed: adf
2008-06-12 2:45 UTC
Processed: asd
2008-06-12 2:45 UTC
bug#390: 23.0.60; killed buffer in list from function buffer-list?
2008-06-12 1:19 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#392: duplicate messages on bug-gnu-emacs via emacsbugs@donarmstrong
2008-06-12 1:05 UTC
bug#389: can not send e-mail to bug-gnu-emacs without it being assigned a bug number
2008-06-11 23:29 UTC (3+ messages)
Processed: Re: Processed (with 4 errors): as
2008-06-11 18:35 UTC
Processed (with 4 errors): as
2008-06-11 17:45 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#387: "
Processed: Re: bug#381: save-some-buffers recursive editing entrapment
2008-06-11 2:05 UTC
bug#381: save-some-buffers recursive editing entrapment
2008-06-11 1:50 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#315: Underline minimum display offset
2008-06-10 20:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#315: marked as done (Underline minimum display offset)
[emacs-w3m:10206] ffap-string-at-point-mode-alist should include multibyte
2008-06-10 19:45 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#357: marked as done (ffap-string-at-point-mode-alist should include multibyte)
Processed: asad
2008-06-10 19:45 UTC
bug#25: frame parameter menu-bar-lines changes height of frame
2008-06-10 19:42 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#29: marked as done (23.0.60: Images flicker at cursor-blink rate when emacs is run in X-over-ssh)
2008-06-10 19:20 UTC
incorrect code in dired-insert-directory
2008-06-10 19:20 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#27: marked as done (incorrect code in dired-insert-directory)
bug#382: Pre-built Emacs for AIX 5.2/5.3
2008-06-10 17:21 UTC
bug#349: show-paren-mode overlay extending onto new text
2008-06-10 16:25 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#349: marked as done (show-paren-mode overlay extending onto new text)
bug#378: mesg is y in *shell*
2008-06-10 2:16 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#379: apropos mostly a rummage heap
bug#380: previous-matching-history-element beef up
2008-06-09 19:27 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#343: C mode asks twice about local variables
2008-06-09 19:07 UTC (6+ messages)
` "
` bug#347: "
bug#373: scroll-up, scroll-down don't respect current column
2008-06-09 4:39 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#324: Uniquify Tramp buffers
2008-06-08 11:45 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#324: marked as done (Uniquify Tramp buffers)
bug#376: latex error message starts dired
2008-06-08 8:33 UTC (3+ messages)
Processed: adf
2008-06-07 19:15 UTC
Processed: asd
2008-06-07 19:15 UTC
bug#370: dired "total used in directory 116 available 1025920"
2008-06-07 19:09 UTC
bug#375: forward-word cmd finds beginning of next word
2008-06-07 17:41 UTC (3+ messages)
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