On 11/7/2021 8:24 AM, Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote: > dick.r.chiang@gmail.com writes: > >> Subject: [PATCH] electric-tests can no longer by byte compiled > > Isn't that the bug, though? We've been trying to find out why. I've been tinkering with this and I *think* the issue is with the hook I added at global scope: (add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (c-toggle-comment-style -1))) In the attached patch, I moved this into a fixture function for the `whitespace-chomping-dont-cross-comments' test and it works for me (i.e. electric-tests pass both with and without byte-compilation). Hopefully this resolves the issue, though I'm unclear on *why* this was occurring in the first place; maybe there's a bug in the byte-compiler...? (As an aside, I vaguely recall adding that hook at global scope because multiple tests failed without it, but it was a while since I wrote that patch and I may be misremembering. In any case, it seems that at least today, changing the comment style is only needed for that one test, so I think it makes sense to do it in a fixture solely for that test.)