Type: C-c C-c You should be back at rwsiteinfo-backup.c. Execute the macro using: C-x e Then type: TAB At this point, you should see the indentation move to just under the `o' in "flowtype:list". This location is incorrect. If you then do the following: M-x set-variable RET c-echo-syntactic-information-p RET t RET TAB you will see that c-mode believes the syntax at that point to be topmost-intro-cont instead of the proper brace-list-entry. When you have solved this bug, please let me know if the solution has a reasonable chance of having solved the other problem that I have not been able to recreate reliably, which is getting "topmost-intro indent 0" instead of "statement indent 4" when in the middle of editing a function. If these have little chance of being connected, I'll do my best to try to create that scenario again (no promises). -- Michael Welsh Duggan (md5i@md5i.com)