Hello, debbugs-gnu.el binds debbugs-gnu-select-report and debbugs-gnu-select-usertag to [return]. Unless I'm mistaken, this designates only the function key, and terminals do not tell applications that function keys were pressed. In the case of [return], they only send RET, i.e. the C-m character. Concretely, this means that on a TTY, the return key is not bound to those functions, as RET is bound to newline. Pressing return thus leads to the following error message: > command-execute: Buffer is read-only: # (Also, weirdos like me who actually use control+m instead of the return key are screwed on graphical sessions too.) On the other hand, if one binds those functions to (kbd "RET") ≡ "\C-m" ≡ "\r", Emacs automatically translates [return] to RET, and everything Just Works™. Suggested patch: