Casual and nonchalant bump. I realize that everyone has their plate full right now (Emacs has tabs! Face extension beyond EOL is customizable! What a time to be alive!), so I am not expecting this to get any immediate attention. In case it helps though, here is a comparison when running e.g. sed 's/?/!/': Old prompt: > Confirm--do you mean to use ‘?’ as a wildcard? (y or n) New prompt based on read-multiple-choice: > Warning: 1 occurrence of ‘?’ will not be substituted. Proceed? > ([Y]es, [N]o, toggle [D]etails, [?]): Hitting 'd' pops a buffer showing more information[1]. The commands then become: > ([Y]es, [N]o, toggle [D]etails, toggle [M]arkers, [?]) Hitting 'm' shows/hides '^' markers below the occurrences; 'd' quits the details window. Screenshots in GUI session: