reopen 7797 thanks Hi Daiki! On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 10:34:59 +0100, Daiki Ueno wrote: > Daiki Ueno writes: > >> Luca Capello writes: >> >>> gpg: skipped "8D3867D89DDB992B": unusable secret key >>> gpg: signing failed: unusable secret key >> >> You may want to try the patch I posted last month: >> Thank you for the link, I was quite disappointed no one reported it on the GNU BTS. I added both Ashish and Daniel to the cc:, discussion requested below. >> Although this patch is a workaround, I'm going to push it for the time >> being. > > OK, I fixed this in a better way (r102771). Please, can you post it here, so I do not have to download the bzr repository? The Savannah bzr repository is disabled and the Launhpad one does not have it yet. > My test case is: > > $ mv .gnupg .gnupg.bak > $ gpg --gen-key # create a key > $ gpg --gen-key # create a key > $ gpg --gen-key # create a key > $ gpg --edit-key # revoke > $ gpg --delete-secret-key > > (mml2015-epg-find-usable-secret-key > (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP) "" 'sign) > => nil > (mml2015-epg-find-usable-secret-key > (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP) "" 'sign) > => nil > (mml2015-epg-find-usable-secret-key > (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP) "" 'sign) > => (epg-key . ...) I am sorry, but I still think this is not the correct solution, thus I reopened the bug (control server bcc:ed). I think the cases should be the following, which I have (sort of) explained in my first post and it is similar to Ashish's one at: 1) by default, EasyPG does not pass any key-id to GnuPG, simply relying on ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf. After all, GnuPG configuration is done there, and *by default* all the other programs working with GnuPG should obey that configuration. And this is how I read `mm-sign-option': Option how to create signed parts. nil, use the default keys without asking; `guided', let you select signing keys from the menu. However, `mm-encrypt-option' contains the real behavior according to the code: Option of creating encrypted parts. nil, use the first public-key matching the "From:" header as the recipient; `guided', ask user to select recipient keys from the menu. 2) if `mml2015-signers' is set, it overrides point 1. BTW1, the documentation for that variable should be corrected: AFAIK you can set it to multiple keys, which means that the documentation should read "A list of your own key ID(s)...", note the plural. BTW2, this variable is not mentioned in any file in the doc/ folder, which is another bug. 3) introduce a new `mml2015-use-from-address' variable: - if set, it then acts like the way you explain above. - if not set, nothing changes WRT to points 1 and 2. 4) introduce also a new `mml2015-default-user-id' variable, which, if set, overrides *everything* from the above, similar to `pgg-default-user-id' reported by Ashish at the link above. I would have wanted to reply only after having implemented my solution, but since I am quite busy right now (and I will be for the whole next week as well), it is better to put here my ideas *now*. For this reason, I have probably missed something of the whole situation, thus please forgive me. Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca