Eli Zaretskii writes: > Please try building Emacs from a pristine tarball or a clean > repository in a directory with non-ASCII characters, under a > non-UTF-8, non-C locale. If that works, I think this is good to go. All the tools under Linux are so utf-8-focused these days... let's see... I first, under a utf-8 locale created the directory "émacs", then converted it to 8859-1: [larsi@stories ~/src/emacs]$ convmv --notest -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 émacs mv "./émacs" "./�macs" Which ls displays, funnily enough, as: -rw-r--r-- 1 larsi larsi 0 Sep 10 14:50 ''$'\351''macs' Then I did export LANG=sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 export LANG=sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 and now the ls says the file is: