flymake-mode is largely unusable in large Elisp buffers with checkdoc enabled as it sometimes takes a second for the typed words to be displayed, and there are too many micro freezes. I have attached two profiles one from emacs -Q, and one from my personal configuration saved using the command profiler-report-write-profile. Both point to checkdoc-this-string-valid being the time consuming function. To reproduce, 1. src/emacs -Q 2. C-x C-f lisp/org/org.el RET 3. M-x flymake-mode RET 4. M-g i org-drag-line-forward RET 5. Move the point to be inside the docstring, and start typing away. You should notice the latency sooner or later. I can reproduce this in my fairly long init.el file too (~10k lines) and I was forced to turn off checkdoc for the typing to be bearable in my init.el file.