Hallöchen! Eric Abrahamsen writes: > [...] > > I'm assuming you've also got `gnus-search-namazu-raw-queries-p' > set to t, otherwise you would have hit an error earlier than this. No, but I did now. > [...] > > Earlier in the day I pushed a change to Emacs master to use > `condition-case-unless-debug' in `nnselect-run'. If you're in the > habit of running a recent Emacs, would you pull from source and > rebuild, then `toggle-debug-on-error' and run this search again, > posting the backtrace? Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) file-readable-p(nil) #f(compiled-function (engine server query &optional groups) #)(# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL")) apply(#f(compiled-function (engine server query &optional groups) #) # ("nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL"))) gnus-search-indexed-parse-output(# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL")) #f(compiled-function (engine server query groups) "Run QUERY against SERVER using ENGINE.\nThis method is common to all indexed search engines.\n\nReturns a list of [group article score] vectors." #)(# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL")) apply(#f(compiled-function (engine server query groups) "Run QUERY against SERVER using ENGINE.\nThis method is common to all indexed search engines.\n\nReturns a list of [group article score] vectors." #) (# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL"))) #f(compiled-function (&rest cnm-args) #)() #f(compiled-function (cl--cnm e server query groups) #)(#f(compiled-function (&rest cnm-args) #) # "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL")) apply(#f(compiled-function (cl--cnm e server query groups) #) #f(compiled-function (&rest cnm-args) #) (# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL"))) #f(compiled-function (&rest args) #)(# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL")) apply(#f(compiled-function (&rest args) #) # ("nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL"))) gnus-search-run-search(# "nnml:" ((query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) ("nnml:KFA-FBL")) #f(compiled-function (arg0) #)(("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL")) mapc(#f(compiled-function (arg0) #) (("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL"))) gnus-search-run-query(((search-query-spec (query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) (search-group-spec ("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL")))) nnselect-run(((nnselect-function . gnus-search-run-query) (nnselect-args (search-query-spec (query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) (search-group-spec ("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL"))))) nnselect-request-group("nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" "nnselect-ephemeral" t ("nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" 3 nil nil (nnselect "nnselect-ephemeral" (nnselect-address "nnselect")) ((quit-config # . group) (nnselect-specs (nnselect-function . gnus-search-run-query) (nnselect-args (search-query-spec (query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) (search-group-spec ("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL")))) (nnselect-artlist)))) gnus-request-group("nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" t nil ("nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" 3 nil nil (nnselect "nnselect-ephemeral" (nnselect-address "nnselect")) ((quit-config # . group) (nnselect-specs (nnselect-function . gnus-search-run-query) (nnselect-args (search-query-spec (query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) (search-group-spec ("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL")))) (nnselect-artlist)))) gnus-select-newsgroup("nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" t nil) gnus-summary-read-group-1("nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" t t nil nil nil) gnus-summary-read-group("nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" t t nil nil nil nil) gnus-group-read-group(t t "nnselect:nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" nil) gnus-group-read-ephemeral-group("nnselect-87tun1dhn9.fsf" (nnselect "nnselect") nil (# . group) nil nil ((nnselect-specs (nnselect-function . gnus-search-run-query) (nnselect-args (search-query-spec (query . "+from:adshhg@web.de") (raw)) (search-group-spec ("nnml:" "nnml:KFA-FBL")))) (nnselect-artlist))) gnus-group-read-ephemeral-search-group(nil) funcall-interactively(gnus-group-read-ephemeral-search-group nil) call-interactively(gnus-group-read-ephemeral-search-group nil nil) command-execute(gnus-group-read-ephemeral-search-group) Regards, Torsten. -- Torsten Bronger