As a side note, while reading these commands, I think 'windmove-display-same-window', 'windmove-display-new-frame', 'windmove-display-new-tab' are not really at they own place in windmove. We have already "C-x 4 1" (same-window-prefix) and "C-x 5 5" (other-frame-prefix) and (other-tab-prefix) --that is not bound to any key on my system but would eventually have its place in the "C-x t" map. Should we --for these windmove-commands : 1. keep them as they are 2. make aliases and clean-up 'windmove-display-in-direction' 3. delete them and clean-up 'windmove-display-in-direction' ? Since it becomes to get off the topic with the removal of the :group tag, I can start another patch "clean-up" if requested.