Jacques Le Normand writes: > I apologize, the numbers in the example were erroneous. Take this example > instead: > > let foo: int = > "foo" > ^ > "bar" > > gives the error: > File "/home/palomer/temp/test.ml", line 2, characters 2-21: > > ocamlc starts counting at 0. it counts newlines and tabs as 1. I obtained these > results empirically. The previous example means: > "the third character from the start of line 2 to the 22nd character from the > start of line 2" > > I've filed a bug report with ocaml developers (and have even suggested a > simple fix.) I can't say how inclined they will be to fix it. The bug id is > 0005070. The mantis url is http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/ (I'm going through old bug reports that unfortunately weren't resolved at the time.) I'm not very familiar with ocaml, but I tried this recipe in Emacs 28 on Debian/bullseye (so I guess a pretty new ocamlc), and it seems like it's doing the right thing now?