*** This buffer displays all IRC protocol traffic exchanged with each server. *** Kill this buffer to terminate protocol logging. *** IRC protocol logging enabled at Thu Sep 9 06:23:32 2021 -- Press `t' to toggle logging. nil >> PASS tester@vanilla/foonet:changeme nil >> NICK tester nil >> USER user 0 * :tester nil << :irc.foonet.org 001 tester :Welcome to the foonet IRC Network tester nil << :irc.foonet.org 002 tester :Your host is irc.foonet.org, running version oragono-2.6.1-937b9b02368748e5 nil << :irc.foonet.org 003 tester :This server was created Thu, 09 Sep 2021 06:22:52 UTC nil << :irc.foonet.org 004 tester irc.foonet.org oragono-2.6.1-937b9b02368748e5 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv nil << :irc.foonet.org 005 tester AWAYLEN=390 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX KICKLEN=390 :are supported by this server nil << :irc.foonet.org 005 tester MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 NETWORK=foonet NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:1,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 UTF8MAPPING=rfc8265 UTF8ONLY WHOX :are supported by this server nil << :irc.foonet.org 005 tester draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server nil << :irc.foonet.org 251 tester :There are 0 users and 3 invisible on 1 server(s) nil << :irc.foonet.org 252 tester 0 :IRC Operators online nil << :irc.foonet.org 254 tester 1 :channels formed nil << :irc.foonet.org 255 tester :I have 3 clients and 0 servers nil << :irc.foonet.org 265 tester 3 3 :Current local users 3, max 3 nil << :irc.foonet.org 266 tester 3 3 :Current global users 3, max 3 nil << :irc.foonet.org 422 tester :MOTD File is missing foonet << :irc.znc.in 306 tester :You have been marked as being away foonet << :tester!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc JOIN #chan foonet >> MODE #chan foonet << :irc.foonet.org 353 tester = #chan :alice @bob tester foonet << :irc.foonet.org 366 tester #chan :End of /NAMES list. foonet << :***!znc@znc.in PRIVMSG #chan :Buffer Playback... foonet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :[06:23:29] tester, welcome! foonet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :[06:23:29] tester, welcome! foonet << :***!znc@znc.in PRIVMSG #chan :Playback Complete. foonet << :irc.foonet.org NOTICE tester :[06:23:23] This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect. foonet << :irc.foonet.org 324 tester #chan +nt foonet << :irc.foonet.org 329 tester #chan 1631168575 nil >> PASS tester@vanilla/barnet:changeme nil >> NICK tester nil >> USER user 0 * :tester nil << :irc.znc.in 001 tester :Welcome to ZNC nil << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Some beast rear'd this; here does not live a man. nil << :irc.foonet.org 305 tester :You are no longer marked as being away nil << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Upon my knowledge he is, and lousy. nil >> PING 1631168616 nil << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168616 nil << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Winning will put any man into courage. nil << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: And found it was his brother, his elder brother. nil << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: To counsel deaf, but not to flattery. nil << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Of Learning, late deceas'd in beggary. nil << :*status!znc@znc.in PRIVMSG tester :Connected! nil << :irc.barnet.org 001 tester :Welcome to the barnet IRC Network tester nil << :irc.barnet.org 002 tester :Your host is irc.barnet.org, running version oragono-2.6.1-937b9b02368748e5 nil << :irc.barnet.org 003 tester :This server was created Thu, 09 Sep 2021 06:22:52 UTC nil << :irc.barnet.org 004 tester irc.barnet.org oragono-2.6.1-937b9b02368748e5 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv nil << :irc.barnet.org 005 tester AWAYLEN=390 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX KICKLEN=390 :are supported by this server nil << :irc.barnet.org 005 tester MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 NETWORK=barnet NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:1,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 UTF8MAPPING=rfc8265 UTF8ONLY WHOX :are supported by this server nil << :irc.barnet.org 005 tester draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server nil << :irc.barnet.org 251 tester :There are 0 users and 3 invisible on 1 server(s) nil << :irc.barnet.org 252 tester 0 :IRC Operators online nil << :irc.barnet.org 253 tester 0 :unregistered connections nil << :irc.barnet.org 254 tester 1 :channels formed nil << :irc.barnet.org 255 tester :I have 3 clients and 0 servers nil << :irc.barnet.org 265 tester 3 3 :Current local users 3, max 3 nil << :irc.barnet.org 266 tester 3 3 :Current global users 3, max 3 nil << :irc.barnet.org 422 tester :MOTD File is missing barnet << :irc.barnet.org 221 tester +Zi barnet << :irc.barnet.org NOTICE tester :This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: And sails upon the bosom of the air. barnet << :irc.barnet.org 352 tester * ~u dkuda227r7npa.irc irc.barnet.org tester H :0 ZNC - https://znc.in barnet << :irc.barnet.org 315 tester tester!*@* :End of WHO list barnet << :tester!~u@dkuda227r7npa.irc JOIN #chan barnet >> MODE #chan barnet << :irc.barnet.org 353 tester = #chan :@mike joe tester barnet << :irc.barnet.org 366 tester #chan :End of NAMES list barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :tester, welcome! barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :tester, welcome! barnet >> PING 1631168638 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168638 barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: On, good Roderigo; I'll deserve your pains. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: As fair and as good a kind of hand-in-hand comparison had been something too fair and too good for any lady in Britain. If she went before others I have seen, as that diamond of yours outlustres many I have beheld, I could not but believe she excelled many; but I have not seen the most precious diamond that is, nor you the lady. barnet << :irc.barnet.org 324 tester #chan +nt barnet << :irc.barnet.org 329 tester #chan 1631168574 barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Go; I'll to dinner: hie you to the cell. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Yes, that thou hast, whether thou art tainted or free. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: My fair Rosalind, I come within an hour of my promise. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: But every puny whipster gets my sword. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Three words, dear Romeo, and good-night indeed. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Nothing becomes him ill that he would well. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: To prison with her; and away with him. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Thy life's a miracle. Speak yet again. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Which, well thou know'st, is cross and full of sin. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Truly, Master Holofernes, the epithets are sweetly varied, like a scholar at the least: but, sir, I assure ye, it was a buck of the first head. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Your son's my father's friend; he takes his part. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Get thee to bed, and rest; for thou hast need. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Alack! how may I do it, having the hour limited, and an express command, under penalty, to deliver his head in the view of Angelo ? I may make my case as Claudio's to cross this in the smallest. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Hath such force and blessed power. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: That he would wed me, or else die my lover. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: As I shall find the time to friend, I will. barnet >> PING 1631168668 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168668 barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Sir, I will pronounce your sentence: you shall fast a week with bran and water. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Thou dost affect my manners, and dost use them. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: And yet here's one in place I cannot pardon. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: No; he hath simply the best wit of any handicraft man in Athens. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: As I shall find the time to friend, I will. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: An honest poor servant of yours. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: An you'll come to supper to-night, you may; an you will not, come when you are next prepared for. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: My fair Rosalind, I come within an hour of my promise. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: And three times thrice is nine. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Let me wipe it first; it smells of mortality. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Till then, adieu; and keep this holy kiss. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Some tricks, some quillets, how to cheat the devil. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: welcome! barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Farewell, sweet lord, and sister. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Tendering our sister's honour and our own. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: What an infinite mock is this, that a man should have the best use of eyes to see the way of blindness! I am sure hanging's the way of winking. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: This beauteous lady Thisby is, certain. barnet >> PING 1631168698 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168698 barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Thank you, good Pompey; and, in requital of your prophecy, hark you: I advise you, let me not find you before me again upon any complaint whatsoever; no, not for dwelling where you do: if I do, Pompey, I shall beat you to your tent, and prove a shrewd C sar to you. In plain dealing, Pompey, I shall have you whipt. So, for this time, Pompey, fare you well. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Good morrow to your majesty and to my gracious mother. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Than any of her lineaments can show her. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: But seek the weary beds of people sick. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Your hand, Leonato; we will go together. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: You are mistaken; the one may be sold, or given; or if there were wealth enough for the purchase, or merit for the gift; the other is not a thing for sale, and only the gift of the gods. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: So virgin-like without ? Lo! here she comes. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Knock me down with 'em: cleave me to the girdle. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: No, indeed, sir, not of a pin; you are therein in the right: but to the point. As I say, this Mistress Elbow, being, as I say, with child, and being great-bellied, and longing, as I said, for prunes, and having but two in the dish, as I said, Master Froth here, this very man, having eaten the rest, as I said, and, as I say, paying for them very honestly; for, as you know, Master Froth, I could not give you three-pence again. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Ay, if a' have no more man's blood in's belly than will sup a flea. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: It were fit you knew him; lest, reposing too far in his virtue, which he hath not, he might at some great and trusty business in a main danger fail you. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Great Dunsinane he strongly fortifies. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: At your sweet pleasure, for the mountain. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Full well shalt thou perceive how much I dare. barnet << PING :ZNC barnet >> PONG :ZNC barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: And three times thrice is nine. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: And make her full of hateful fantasies. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Disbursed by my father in his wars. barnet >> PING 1631168728 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168728 barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Well, you'll answer this one day. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: You shall ask pardon of his majesty. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Blushing to be encounter'd with a cloud. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: We shall have shortly discord in the spheres. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Alack! how may I do it, having the hour limited, and an express command, under penalty, to deliver his head in the view of Angelo ? I may make my case as Claudio's to cross this in the smallest. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Is this; she hath bought the name of whore thus dearly. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Sir, for a cardecu he will sell the fee-simple of his salvation, the inheritance of it; and cut the entail from all remainders, and a perpetual succession for it perpetually. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Boyet, prepare: I will away to-night. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: And truly yielded you. You're very welcome. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: By her is poison'd; she confesses it. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: To be adopted heir to Frederick. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Sir, I praise the Lord for you, and so may my parishioners; for their sons are well tutored by you, and their daughters profit very greatly under you: you are a good member of the commonwealth. barnet << PING :ZNC barnet >> PONG :ZNC barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Being tasted, slays all senses with the heart. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Let's meet him and receive him. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Nay, I'll read it first, by your favour. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: It is Posthumus' hand; I know 't. Sirrah, if thou wouldst not be a villain, but do me true service, undergo those employments wherein I should have cause to use thee with a serious industry, that is, what villany soe'er I bid thee do, to perform it directly and truly, I would think thee an honest man; thou shouldst neither want my means for thy relief nor my voice for thy preferment. barnet >> PING 1631168758 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168758 barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: Your plantain leaf is excellent for that. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much glad of it. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Gives him a worthy pass. Here comes my clog. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Paints itself black, to imitate her brow. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: That we may call it early by and by. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Truly, she's very well indeed, but for two things. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: These present wars against the Ottomites. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: To comfort thee, though thou art banished. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Thou diedst, a most rare boy, of melancholy. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: Wilt thou rest damned ? God help thee, shallow man! God make incision in thee! thou art raw. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: No, no; we will hold it as a dream till it appear itself: but I will acquaint my daughter withal, that she may be the better prepared for an answer, if peradventure this be true. Go you, and tell her of it. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: He must be buried with his brethren. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Perge, good Master Holofernes, perge; so it shall please you to abrogate scurrility. barnet << PING :ZNC barnet >> PONG :ZNC barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: The black prince, sir; alias, the prince of darkness; alias, the devil. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Nay, if there be no remedy for it, but that you will needs buy and sell men and women like beasts, we shall have all the world drink brown and white bastard. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Madam, here is a letter from my lord. barnet << :bob!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :alice: And the rank poison of the old will die. barnet >> PING 1631168788 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168788 barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Marry, sir, by my wife; who, if she had been a woman cardinally given, might have been accused in fornication, adultery, and all uncleanliness there. barnet << :alice!~u@fubiym5dykn6y.irc PRIVMSG #chan :bob: The wars have so kept you under that you must needs be born under Mars. barnet << ERROR :Closing link: Timeout nil << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Freshly on me: 'tis surely for a name. nil >> PASS tester@vanilla/barnet:changeme nil >> NICK tester nil >> USER user 0 * :tester nil << :irc.barnet.org 001 tester :Welcome to the barnet IRC Network tester nil << :irc.barnet.org 002 tester :Your host is irc.barnet.org, running version oragono-2.6.1-937b9b02368748e5 nil << :irc.barnet.org 003 tester :This server was created Thu, 09 Sep 2021 06:22:52 UTC nil << :irc.barnet.org 004 tester irc.barnet.org oragono-2.6.1-937b9b02368748e5 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv nil << :irc.barnet.org 005 tester AWAYLEN=390 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX KICKLEN=390 :are supported by this server nil << :irc.barnet.org 005 tester MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 NETWORK=barnet NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:1,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 UTF8MAPPING=rfc8265 UTF8ONLY WHOX :are supported by this server nil << :irc.barnet.org 005 tester draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server nil << :irc.barnet.org 251 tester :There are 0 users and 3 invisible on 1 server(s) nil << :irc.barnet.org 252 tester 0 :IRC Operators online nil << :irc.barnet.org 254 tester 1 :channels formed nil << :irc.barnet.org 255 tester :I have 3 clients and 0 servers nil << :irc.barnet.org 265 tester 3 3 :Current local users 3, max 3 nil << :irc.barnet.org 266 tester 3 3 :Current global users 3, max 3 nil << :irc.barnet.org 422 tester :MOTD File is missing barnet << :tester!~u@dkuda227r7npa.irc JOIN #chan barnet >> MODE #chan barnet << :irc.barnet.org 353 tester = #chan :joe @mike tester barnet << :irc.barnet.org 366 tester #chan :End of /NAMES list. barnet << :irc.barnet.org 324 tester #chan +nt barnet << :irc.barnet.org 329 tester #chan 1631168574 barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: That's the way: for women are light at midnight. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: That's the way: for women are light at midnight. barnet >> PING 1631168798 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168798 barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: No devil will fright thee then so much as she. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: No devil will fright thee then so much as she. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: To grace us with your royal company. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: To grace us with your royal company. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Minime, honest master; or rather, master, no. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Minime, honest master; or rather, master, no. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Sir, your honour cannot come to that yet. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Sir, your honour cannot come to that yet. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Signior Arm Arm commends you. There's villany abroad: this letter will tell you more. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Signior Arm Arm commends you. There's villany abroad: this letter will tell you more. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Faith, sir, we were carousing till the second cock; and drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Faith, sir, we were carousing till the second cock; and drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Doth burn the heart to cinders where it is. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Doth burn the heart to cinders where it is. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Why should I, mother ? Poor birds they are not set for. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: Why should I, mother ? Poor birds they are not set for. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: In Normandy, saw I this Longaville. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: In Normandy, saw I this Longaville. barnet >> PING 1631168828 barnet << :irc.znc.in PONG irc.znc.in 1631168828 barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: That's the way: for women are light at midnight. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: That's the way: for women are light at midnight. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Here, sweet, put up this: 'twill be thine another day. barnet << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: Here, sweet, put up this: 'twill be thine another day. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: But in them nature's copy's not eterne. barnet << :mike!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :joe: But in them nature's copy's not eterne. nil << :joe!~u@m92hk6tkgcet6.irc PRIVMSG #chan :mike: We have yet many among us can gripe as hard as Cassibelan; I do not say I am one, but I have a hand. Why tribute ? why should we pay tribute ? If C sar can hide the sun from us with a blanket, or put the moon in his pocket, we will pay him tribute for light; else, sir, no more tribute, pray you now.