* bug#75492: 31.0.50; read-multiple-choice not working
[not found] <87ikqlefsw.fsf.ref@aol.com>
@ 2025-01-11 11:43 ` Ergus via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors
0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Ergus via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors @ 2025-01-11 11:43 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: 75492
I just tried `run-python` in a single python script and it started
asking for a project
I checked down and the issue seems related with `read-multiple-choice`
Trying the code in the documentation (in an emacs -Q):
(read-multiple-choice "Continue connecting?"
'((?a "always")
(?s "session only")
(?n "no")))
I just get:
Continue connecting?
^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@
In GNU Emacs 31.0.50 (build 8, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.24.43, cairo version 1.18.2) of 2025-01-10 built on RTX
Repository revision: 0233e2bec03db194c08c2d455cfd29097664f4c1
Repository branch: project
System Description: Arch Linux
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'configure --prefix=/home/ergo/.local/ --with-mailutils --with-pgtk
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dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting cairo gtk pgtk
lcms2 multi-tty move-toolbar make-network-process tty-child-frames
native-compile emacs)
Memory information:
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(vector-slots 8 221501 11242) (floats 8 102 75) (intervals 56 1043 0)
(buffers 992 10))
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[not found] <87ikqlefsw.fsf.ref@aol.com>
2025-01-11 11:43 ` bug#75492: 31.0.50; read-multiple-choice not working Ergus via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors
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