Eli Zaretskii writes: > Yes, please. This one should illustrate the problem, I think: (defun make-buffer () (switch-to-buffer "*images*") (erase-buffer) (let ((height (* (frame-pixel-height) 0.6)) (width (* (frame-pixel-width) 0.7))) (dotimes (i 10) (let ((svg (svg-create width height))) (svg-rectangle svg 0 0 width height :fill (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (random 255) (random 255) (random 255))) (svg-text svg (format "Image %d" i) :font-size 50 :fill "black" :font-weight "bold" :x (/ width 2) :y (/ height 2) :text-anchor "middle") (insert-image (svg-image svg :scale 1)) (insert (format "\n\nImage %d\n\n" i)))))) Scroll downwards to the test "Image 4", for instance. This is what I have in my window then: