It is a bit more involved than a simple rewording, mainly because I could not find a concise sentence that sounded 100%-unambiguous (e.g. "literal" might be taken to mean "suitably backslash-escaped or quoted"). > BTW, I had several use cases where * or ?, don't remember, was not > isolated, and I wanted to answer "n" to still get the substitution by > the command and was disappointed that Emacs just canceled. Maybe one of > the suggested patches also improves that, I haven't checked yet. Allowing the user to substitute non-isolated characters is something Drew also suggested in bug#35564. I haven't tackled that yet (haven't met the use-case). What would a good UI look like? Successive prompting for each non-isolated character? Something like: > Substitute highlighted occurrence of `?'? ([y]es, [n]o, [a]bort) Although note that you can already tell Dired that your '?' is meant to be substituted, by surrounding it with backquotes. E.g. try to mark some files, then ! echo 'foo`?`bar' It's not implemented for '*' though.