This bug supersedes bug##13549 Improve display of semantic-symref. 1. The symbol being searched goes in to the BUFFER NAME. I think it will be much useful to *also* display all the search params (specifically the tag) RIGHT WITHIN the buffer. 2. I find the display offered by cscope (and a mock-up that I created) involve lesser overheads. See;filename=grep-proof-of-concept-cf-cscope.png;att=3;bug=13549 Let me explain: 1. semantic-symref munges each grep output in to two lines. One displaying the signature of the function that contains the hit. Another displaying the actual hit. 2. cscope (and my mock up) on the other hand, displays JUST the function context (and NO signature). Everything goes in to a single line. There is too much text in semantic-symref and hence it takes some effort to actually see the function context and the text hit with a quick glance. I wish if someone could write a results munger (and also a displayer) for semantic which mimics what cscope does. If one wants to actually look at the signature, one can actually turn ON `global-semantic-idle-summary-mode' so that signatue can be seen if needed.