Hello, Here is a new revision of this patch series, which aims to rephrase dired-do-shell-command's warning about occurrences of '?' and '*' that will not be substituted for filenames, with the following goals in mind: 1. cease to call these characters "wildcards" since they may be quoted or escaped, 2. cater to users who do not know about the substitution feature, 3. keep the default prompt as concise as the current one. The first revisions[1][2][3][4] focused on goals 1 and 2, to the detriment of 3. The last revision[5] hid the verbosity behind an optional explanatory buffer, using read-multiple-choice. Since this function already generates a help buffer bound to '?', I bound the explanatory buffer to 'd' for "details", a la nsm-query-user. Juri suggested[6] that read-char-from-minibuffer might fit the bill better. Since I feel kind of torn between these options, I'm putting them both forward. First, the scaffolding patches (same as v5):