This issue shows when initialization file has (custom-set-variables ...) with sort-fold-case set, like this: (custom-set-variables '(sort-fold-case t)) Saving some other variable through the customize interface will add additional "t" symbol to the sort-fold-case form: (custom-set-variables ;; Other variables... '(sort-fold-case t t)) Some other customize changes change the form back to (sort-fold-case t), that is, with single "t" symbol. Everything seems to be working but this behavior is harmful when Emacs initialization files are in version control system (like Git) and sort-fold-case variable keeps changing back and forth. You can reproduce the bug with this recipe: 1. Create ~/.emacs.el file with the following content (also attached file). (custom-set-variables '(sort-fold-case t)) 2. Start Emacs. 3. Use customize interface to change and save some other variable, for example: M-x customize-variable RET show-trailing-whitespace RET Change variable's value to "t" and save it "for future sessions". 4. Now the custom-set-variables form in ~/.emacs.el file looks like this: (custom-set-variables '(show-trailing-whitespace t) '(sort-fold-case t t)) See the added "t" in sort-fold-case.