-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/.local/src/emacs/" -*- Compilation started at Sat Jun 18 18:07:38 make -k EMACS_TEST_VERBOSE=1 test/simple-tests test/lisp-tests make -C test simple-tests make[1]: Entering directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' make[2]: Entering directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' GEN lisp/simple-tests.log Running 46 tests (2022-06-18 18:07:39+0300, selector `(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))') Fill column set to 5 (was 70) passed 1/46 auto-fill-mode-no-break-before-length-of-fill-prefix (0.000131 sec) passed 2/46 command-execute-prune-command-history (0.000085 sec) passed 3/46 eval-expression-print-format-large-int (0.000089 sec) skipped 4/46 eval-expression-print-format-large-int-echo (0.000096 sec) passed 5/46 eval-expression-print-format-small-int (0.000066 sec) skipped 6/46 eval-expression-print-format-small-int-echo (0.000091 sec) passed 7/46 eval-expression-print-format-sym (0.000050 sec) skipped 8/46 eval-expression-print-format-sym-echo (0.000092 sec) passed 9/46 line-number-at-pos-in-narrow-buffer (0.000053 sec) passed 10/46 line-number-at-pos-in-widen-buffer (0.000048 sec) passed 11/46 line-number-at-pos-keeps-point (0.000044 sec) passed 12/46 line-number-at-pos-keeps-restriction (0.000051 sec) passed 13/46 line-number-at-pos-when-passing-point (0.000057 sec) Undo passed 14/46 missing-record-point-in-undo (0.000246 sec) passed 15/46 newline (0.000489 sec) passed 16/46 newline-indent (0.000839 sec) passed 17/46 open-line (0.000472 sec) passed 18/46 open-line-hook (0.000379 sec) passed 19/46 open-line-indent (0.000574 sec) passed 20/46 open-line-margin-and-prefix (0.000393 sec) passed 21/46 simple-delete-indentation-blank-line (0.000121 sec) passed 22/46 simple-delete-indentation-boundaries (0.000076 sec) passed 23/46 simple-delete-indentation-inactive-region (0.000066 sec) passed 24/46 simple-delete-indentation-no-region (0.000091 sec) passed 25/46 simple-delete-indentation-prefix (0.000079 sec) passed 26/46 simple-delete-indentation-region (0.000121 sec) passed 27/46 simple-delete-trailing-whitespace--bug-21766 (0.022844 sec) passed 28/46 simple-delete-trailing-whitespace--formfeeds (0.000078 sec) passed 29/46 simple-test-count-lines (0.000067 sec) passed 30/46 simple-test-count-lines/ignore-invisible-lines (0.000067 sec) passed 31/46 simple-test-count-words-bug-41761 (0.000081 sec) Undo passed 32/46 simple-test-undo-extra-boundary-in-tex (0.039261 sec) Undo Undo Redo Redo Redo Redo Redo Redo Redo Redo Undo Undo Undo Undo Redo Redo Redo Redo passed 33/46 simple-tests--undo (0.000296 sec) Undo Redo Mark set Undo in region Test simple-tests--undo-equiv-table backtrace: display-selections-p() deactivate-mark(force) (let ((ul-hash-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (let ((--doli (progn (buffer-enable-undo) (transient-mark-mode) (let ((ul-hash-tab (unwind-protect (progn (buffer-enable-undo) (transient-mark-mode) (l (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t))) (save-current (closure (t) nil (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name simple-tests--undo-equiv-table :docum ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector ... :tests ... :test-m ert-run-tests((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp))) #f(compil ert-run-tests-batch((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativeco eval((ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit '(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :n command-line-1(("-L" ":." "-l" "ert" "-l" "lisp/simple-tests.el" "-- command-line() normal-top-level() Test simple-tests--undo-equiv-table condition: (void-variable xterm-select-active-regions) FAILED 34/46 simple-tests--undo-equiv-table (0.000231 sec) at lisp/simple-tests.el:511 Mark set Undo in region Mark activated Undo in region Redo in region Redo in region passed 35/46 simple-tests--undo-in-region (0.000447 sec) passed 36/46 simple-tests-async-shell-command-30280 (0.029269 sec) passed 37/46 simple-tests-shell-command-39067 (2.665546 sec) passed 38/46 simple-tests-shell-command-dont-erase-buffer (1.280669 sec) passed 39/46 simple-tests-zap-to-char (0.000376 sec) passed 40/46 simple-text-count-lines-non-ascii (0.000156 sec) passed 41/46 simple-transpose-subr (0.000744 sec) passed 42/46 test-undo-region (0.000201 sec) Setting up indent for shell type bash Indentation variables are now local. Indentation setup for shell type bash Mark set Setting up indent for shell type bash Indentation variables are now local. Indentation setup for shell type bash Mark set Setting up indent for shell type bash Indentation variables are now local. Indentation setup for shell type bash Mark set passed 43/46 test-yank-in-context (0.021730 sec) passed 44/46 undo-auto--boundaries-added (0.000075 sec) passed 45/46 undo-auto-boundary-timer (0.000038 sec) Undo Undo passed 46/46 undo-point-in-wrong-place (0.000379 sec) Ran 46 tests, 42 results as expected, 1 unexpected, 3 skipped (2022-06-18 18:07:43+0300, 4.450341 sec) 1 unexpected results: FAILED simple-tests--undo-equiv-table xterm-select-active-regions 3 skipped results: SKIPPED eval-expression-print-format-large-int-echo ((skip-unless (not noninteractive)) :form (not t) :value nil) SKIPPED eval-expression-print-format-small-int-echo ((skip-unless (not noninteractive)) :form (not t) :value nil) SKIPPED eval-expression-print-format-sym-echo ((skip-unless (not noninteractive)) :form (not t) :value nil) nilmake[2]: *** [Makefile:174: lisp/simple-tests.log] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' make[1]: *** [Makefile:240: lisp/simple-tests] Error 2 make[1]: Target 'simple-tests' not remade because of errors. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' make: *** [Makefile:1022: test/simple-tests] Error 2 make -C test lisp-tests make[1]: Entering directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' make[2]: Entering directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' GEN lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests.log Running 37 tests (2022-06-18 18:07:44+0300, selector `(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))') passed 1/37 backward-up-list-basic (0.000117 sec) passed 2/37 core-elisp-tests-1-defvar-in-let (0.000057 sec) Mark set passed 3/37 core-elisp-tests-2-window-configurations (0.000064 sec) passed 4/37 core-elisp-tests-3-backquote (0.000042 sec) passed 5/37 end-of-defun-twice (0.000238 sec) passed 6/37 lisp-backward-sexp-1-empty-parens (0.000048 sec) passed 7/37 lisp-backward-sexp-1-eobp (0.000047 sec) passed 8/37 lisp-backward-sexp-1-error-mismatch (0.000047 sec) passed 9/37 lisp-backward-sexp-2-bobp (0.000049 sec) passed 10/37 lisp-backward-sexp-2-bobp-and-subsequent (0.000054 sec) passed 11/37 lisp-delete-pair-parens (1.001608 sec) passed 12/37 lisp-delete-pair-quotation-marks (1.001738 sec) passed 13/37 lisp-delete-pair-quotes-in-text-mode (0.000242 sec) passed 14/37 lisp-delete-pair-quotes-text-mode-syntax-table (1.001739 sec) passed 15/37 lisp-fill-paragraph-colon (0.001325 sec) passed 16/37 lisp-forward-sexp-1-empty-parens (0.000162 sec) passed 17/37 lisp-forward-sexp-1-eobp (0.000145 sec) passed 18/37 lisp-forward-sexp-1-error-mismatch (0.000159 sec) passed 19/37 lisp-forward-sexp-2-eobp (0.000158 sec) passed 20/37 lisp-forward-sexp-2-eobp-and-subsequent (0.000165 sec) passed 21/37 lisp-forward-sexp-elisp-inside-symbol (0.000409 sec) passed 22/37 lisp-forward-sexp-elisp-quoted-symbol (0.000376 sec) passed 23/37 lisp-forward-sexp-emacs-lisp-quote-char (0.000369 sec) passed 24/37 lisp-forward-sexp-emacs-lisp-semi-char-error (0.000339 sec) passed 25/37 lisp-forward-sexp-python-triple-quoted-string (0.001036 sec) passed 26/37 lisp-forward-sexp-python-triple-quotes-string (0.000929 sec) passed 27/37 mark-defun-arg-region-active (0.000594 sec) Mark set Mark set Mark set Mark set Mark set Mark set Mark set Mark set passed 28/37 mark-defun-bob (0.001626 sec) Mark set Mark set Test mark-defun-neg-arg-region-inactive backtrace: display-selections-p() deactivate-mark() (let ((after-4 216) (inside-4 207) (before-4 174) (after-3 174) (ins (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\n\n(defun func-1 (unwind-protect (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\ (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t))) (save-current (closure (c-e-x t) nil (setq last-command nil) (let ((temp-buffer (g ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name mark-defun-neg-arg-region-inactive :d ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector ... :tests ... :test-m ert-run-tests((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp))) #f(compil ert-run-tests-batch((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativeco eval((ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit '(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :n command-line-1(("-L" ":." "-l" "ert" "-l" "lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-test command-line() normal-top-level() Test mark-defun-neg-arg-region-inactive condition: (void-variable xterm-select-active-regions) FAILED 29/37 mark-defun-neg-arg-region-inactive (0.000682 sec) at lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests.el:546 Test mark-defun-no-arg-region-active backtrace: display-selections-p() deactivate-mark() (let ((after-4 216) (inside-4 207) (before-4 174) (after-3 174) (ins (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\n\n(defun func-1 (unwind-protect (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\ (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t))) (save-current (closure (c-e-x t) nil (transient-mark-mode 1) (setq last-command ni ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name mark-defun-no-arg-region-active :docu ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector ... :tests ... :test-m ert-run-tests((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp))) #f(compil ert-run-tests-batch((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativeco eval((ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit '(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :n command-line-1(("-L" ":." "-l" "ert" "-l" "lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-test command-line() normal-top-level() Test mark-defun-no-arg-region-active condition: (void-variable xterm-select-active-regions) FAILED 30/37 mark-defun-no-arg-region-active (0.000302 sec) at lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests.el:476 Mark set Mark set Test mark-defun-no-arg-region-inactive backtrace: display-selections-p() deactivate-mark() (let ((after-4 216) (inside-4 207) (before-4 174) (after-3 174) (ins (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\n\n(defun func-1 (unwind-protect (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\ (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t))) (save-current (closure (c-e-x t) nil (setq last-command nil) (let ((temp-buffer (g ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name mark-defun-no-arg-region-inactive :do ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector ... :tests ... :test-m ert-run-tests((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp))) #f(compil ert-run-tests-batch((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativeco eval((ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit '(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :n command-line-1(("-L" ":." "-l" "ert" "-l" "lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-test command-line() normal-top-level() Test mark-defun-no-arg-region-inactive condition: (void-variable xterm-select-active-regions) FAILED 31/37 mark-defun-no-arg-region-inactive (0.000294 sec) at lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests.el:427 Mark set Mark set Test mark-defun-pos-arg-region-inactive backtrace: display-selections-p() deactivate-mark() (let ((after-4 216) (inside-4 207) (before-4 174) (after-3 174) (ins (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\n\n(defun func-1 (unwind-protect (progn (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert ";; Comment header\ (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t))) (save-current (closure (c-e-x t) nil (setq last-command nil) (let ((temp-buffer (g ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name mark-defun-pos-arg-region-inactive :d ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector ... :tests ... :test-m ert-run-tests((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp))) #f(compil ert-run-tests-batch((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativecomp)))) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit((not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :nativeco eval((ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit '(not (or (tag :unstable) (tag :n command-line-1(("-L" ":." "-l" "ert" "-l" "lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-test command-line() normal-top-level() Test mark-defun-pos-arg-region-inactive condition: (void-variable xterm-select-active-regions) FAILED 32/37 mark-defun-pos-arg-region-inactive (0.000331 sec) at lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests.el:522 passed 33/37 up-list-basic (0.000104 sec) passed 34/37 up-list-cross-string (0.000087 sec) passed 35/37 up-list-no-cross-string (0.000083 sec) passed 36/37 up-list-out-of-string (0.000078 sec) passed 37/37 up-list-with-forward-sexp-function (0.000077 sec) Ran 37 tests, 33 results as expected, 4 unexpected (2022-06-18 18:07:48+0300, 4.020046 sec) 4 unexpected results: FAILED mark-defun-neg-arg-region-inactive xterm-select-active-regions FAILED mark-defun-no-arg-region-active xterm-select-active-regions FAILED mark-defun-no-arg-region-inactive xterm-select-active-regions FAILED mark-defun-pos-arg-region-inactive xterm-select-active-regions make[2]: *** [Makefile:174: lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests.log] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' make[1]: *** [Makefile:240: lisp/emacs-lisp/lisp-tests] Error 2 make[1]: Target 'lisp-tests' not remade because of errors. make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/blc/.local/src/emacs/test' make: *** [Makefile:1022: test/lisp-tests] Error 2 Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 at Sat Jun 18 18:07:48