Hi Stefan, Dmitry, Andrii and maintainers, Moving the discussion that started in https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot/pull/459 to the bug tracker, and attaching the two patches that contain what I think is a decent short-term solution to the eldoc/async problems. It makes eldoc-diagnostic-functions have a very similar interface to flymake-diagnostic-functions. Flymake's handling of the multiple backends and async is more sophisticated, and we could extend eldoc to try similarly heroic stuff, if we do find there's a demand for it. The main thing you probably want to read if `eldoc-documentation-functions`'s new docstring. This was tested summarily with Eglot, by the way, and seems to work OK. Enjoy! João PS: How do I mark that the bug report contains a patch in the mail message itself?