martin rudalics writes: > What, in a nutshell, would these 'eldoc-display-functions' be (sorry but > my master on this system is in an inconsistent state and I don't want to > resolve conflicts when pulling anything into it)? Hi, Martin I just pushed a cleaned-up improved version of the eldoc-display-functions branch. To * [new branch] scratch/eldoc-display-functions -> scratch/eldoc-display-functions After a cursory reading of it, I managed to adapt your eldoc-tooltip.el library to use it. I didn't make many changes and didn't test it thoroughly, but I believe the adaptation works nicely. I attach it as file eldoc-tooltip-joao.el. It needs the eldoc-display-functions branch, obviously, which I will test for a few more than, then push to master (it's a straightforward planned change and seems pretty stable). To make it work pre-emacs-28 (where no eldoc-documentation-functions or eldoc-display-functions exist) shouldn't be extremely hard, but I didn't make that effort. Obviously it won't work with asynchronous doc backends there, but as it didn't before that's not new. I also include Yuan Fu in this conversation, the author of the aforementioned eldoc-box.el extension. It seems both of you are working in very similar funcionality. Maybe some of it might make it into emacs proper as one or more elements that a user can add to eldoc-display-functions. João