It is a moderately large (~12500 lines, 585kiB) text file with UNIX line endings (\n). Mixed in with the normal text are protocol logs that have \r\n line endings. I have confirmed that replacement of those line endings will stop the bug from happening. The bug happens with all 25.x versions I have including master, the earliest one I can still test is from February 27th this year. To reproduce, set a mark (C-Space) somewhere in the file. Then extend/shrink the selection region by doing Shift-PgUp / Shift-PgDwn, going back and forth several times. Once you've crossed a portion of the file that has the "foreign" line endings, as soon as you take your finger off the Shift key Emacs becomes unresponsive (the cursor vanishes). Several seconds later it starts allocating memory in an apparently exponential fashion until it has exhausted both physical and swap, while maxing out one CPU core. The process must be killed. Trying the same recipe with Emacs 24.5 yields a short phase of unresponsiveness with the cursor vanished, then it returns with an error message "Timed out waiting for property-notify event". I consider this a blocker for the upcoming 25.1 release. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ SD adaptations for Waldorf Q V3.00R3 and Q+ V3.54R2: