Hi, This was bugging me for other commands I was running (emerge -uDN world), so I decided to try to write a patch for this. In the process, I found another blocking bug, which would have broken the -u flag entirely. Currently, 'sudo -u root whoami' returns '-u', because of a bug involved with processing leading positional arguments. I fixed the blocking bug first in a separate patch, and then added a new parameter for commands like sudo, which would prefer :raw-positional arguments after the first non flag argument. I'm still not sure if this is the best name for this idea, so if anyone has a better name I'd be happy to change it! this section of eshell seems very important, so I also added some tests, contained in the second patch. Please let me know if anything seems wrong, as I didn't understand the code as well as I would have liked. Commit 1: