Hello! There exists a sequence of characters (reproduced below, mistakenly produced by merely copy pasting accentuated sequences from my browser to Emacs, even when emacs was started with "emacs -q"), which 1. generates a warning message on saving ("These default coding systems were tried to encode text in the buffer (...)", full message included below); 2. roughly doubles size each time I save it in raw-mode; and 3. creates such a sequence from any accentuated character (e.g. é) in the file (which when copy pasted to other files, "infect" such a file and "seeds" other accentuated characters) As a result, the size of text files can grow quite out of proportions: the size of the file is getting exponential in the number of times it was saved, which is obviously undesirable. I will solve the problem by avoiding raw-mode but thought it could be of interest to you. Please find more specifics below. Hope it helps! -- Jeremy (http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~jbarbay) ****************************************************************************** Specifics: - An example of "Viral" sequence is "à¥