unofficial mirror of 
 help / color / mirror / code / Atom feed
* bug#11999: 24.1.50; New Info file suffix ".info" breaks `Info-find-node-2'
@ 2012-07-20 16:13 Drew Adams
  2012-07-20 18:30 ` Andreas Schwab
  0 siblings, 1 reply; 33+ messages in thread
From: Drew Adams @ 2012-07-20 16:13 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: 11999

I do not have a recipe from emacs -Q.  But here are two debug traces from
a build of 7/16, where there is a problem, and from Emacs 24.1, where
there is no problem.
The code does exactly the same thing, step by step.  But when
`info-insert-file-contents' is called in the 7/16 build it returns nil
instead of t, because it is looking for file
"c:/Emacs-24.1/info/emacs" and there is no such file.  There is now only
a file "c:/Emacs-24.1/info/".
IOW, changing the info files to have suffix ".info" breaks (at least)
this code (i.e., at least `Info-find-node-2').
Emacs 24 built on 7/16:
Debugger entered--returning value: nil
* info-insert-file-contents("c:/Emacs-24-2012-07-16/info/emacs" nil)
* (cond ((eq filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apro=
pos)) (insert-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote his=
tory)) (insert-buffer-substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote to=
c)) (insert-buffer-substring " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents =
filename nil) (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename))))
* (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-current-node-=
virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-=
current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-current-fi=
le))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-fil=
e-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq filename =
t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert-buffer-s=
ubstring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (insert-buffer-=
substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-buffer-sub=
string " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq de=
fault-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modified-p ni=
l) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Inf=
o-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-l=
ine -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not (search-forward "=1F\=
nEnd tag table\n" nil t)))) (let (pos) (search-backward "\nTag table:\n") (=
setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion (forward-line 2) (looking-at "(Indire=
ct)\n")) (let ((buf (current-buffer)) (tagbuf (or Info-tag-table-buffer ...=
))) (setq Info-tag-table-buffer tagbuf) (with-current-buffer tagbuf (buffer=
-disable-undo (current-buffer)) (setq case-fold-search t) (erase-buffer) (i=
nsert-buffer-substring buf)) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker (match-end 0=
) tagbuf)) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-marker Info-tag-ta=
ble-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename))
* (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let ((filename (or filename Info-current-=
file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Info-current-file filename Info-current-=
subfile nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-=
buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun filename nodename no-going-back) (se=
t-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (setq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-m=
odified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-current-node-virtual))=
 t))) ((not (and (or (not (boundp (quote Info-current-node-virtual))) (not =
Info-current-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file fi=
lename)))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-curr=
ent-node-virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (qu=
ote Info-current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-c=
urrent-file))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-cu=
rrent-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq =
filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert=
-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (inser=
t-buffer-substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-b=
uffer-substring " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil)=
 (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modi=
fied-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cooki=
es)) (Info-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (=
forward-line -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not (search-forw=
ard "=1F\nEnd tag table\n" nil t)))) (let (pos) (search-backward "\nTag tab=
le:\n") (setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion (forward-line 2) (looking-at=
 "(Indirect)\n")) (let (... ...) (setq Info-tag-table-buffer tagbuf) (with-=
current-buffer tagbuf ... ... ... ...) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker ..=
. tagbuf)) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-marker Info-tag-ta=
ble-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename))))
* (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (quote Info-virtual=
-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Info-current-file) =
nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let ((filename (or f=
ilename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Info-current-file f=
ilename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-f=
ile-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun filename nodena=
me no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (setq buffer-read-=
only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-c=
urrent-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not (boundp ...)) (not Info-curr=
ent-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file filename)))=
) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-current-node-=
virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-=
current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-current-fi=
le))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-fil=
e-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq filename =
t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert-buffer-s=
ubstring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (insert-buffer-=
substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-buffer-sub=
string " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq de=
fault-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modified-p ni=
l) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Inf=
o-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-l=
ine -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not ...))) (let (pos) (se=
arch-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion ... =
...) (let ... ... ... ...) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-ma=
rker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) (if (=
string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (Info-s=
et-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\\|Ref=
:\\) *\\(" (if (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]=
"))) (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let*=
 ((m Info-tag-table-marker) (found ...)) (when found (setq guesspos ...) (u=
nless ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- (byte-t=
o-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-node-in-buffer regexp)))=
 (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (when (string-match "\\(=
[^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename (ma=
tch-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t))=
 (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-ch=
ar (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (not (fboundp (quote Info-bread=
crumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrumbs-depth 0)) (fo=
rward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-history ...)) (setq Info-history=
-list (cons new-history ...))) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-=
loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((strin=
gp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-l=
oc nil))))) (when (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fbound=
p (quote fit-frame)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame)))
* (unwind-protect (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (qu=
ote Info-virtual-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Inf=
o-current-file) nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let =
((filename (or filename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Inf=
o-current-file filename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completi=
ons nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun=
 filename nodename no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (s=
etq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variab=
le (quote Info-current-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not ...) (not In=
fo-current-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file file=
name)))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp ...) Info-current-=
node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable ...) nil) (unless filename (setq fi=
lename Info-current-file))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfil=
e nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer=
) (cond ((eq filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename ...) (inser=
t-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-su=
bstring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-substring " *=
info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq default-dire=
ctory ...))) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote I=
nfo-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Info-file-supports-index-cookies filenam=
e)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -8) (if (not (or ... ...)) (let (=
pos) (search-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos ...) (if ... ... ...)) (s=
et-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) =
(if (string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (I=
nfo-set-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\=
\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (if ... ... "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (quote foo) (when =
(marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* (... ...) (when found ... ...=
 ...))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- ... 1000))) (let ((pos ...)) (when p=
os (goto-char pos) (throw ... t))) (when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nod=
ename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename ... no-going-back n=
omsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" n=
odename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when=
 (and (not (fboundp ...)) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrum=
bs-depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let (...) (setq Info-histo=
ry-list ...)) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-loc) (forward-lin=
e (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc=
) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-loc nil))))) (when=
 (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fboundp (quote fit-fram=
e)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame))) (or Info-current-node no-going-back =
(null Info-history) (let ((hist (car Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cd=
r Info-history)) (Info-find-node (nth 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-c=
har (nth 2 hist)))))
  Info-find-node-2("c:/Emacs-24-2012-07-16/info/emacs" "Top" t nil)
* Info-find-node("c:/Emacs-24-2012-07-16/info/emacs" "Top" t nil)
  (let ((hist (car Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cdr Info-history)) (=
Info-find-node (nth 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-char (nth 2 hist)))
* (or Info-current-node no-going-back (null Info-history) (let ((hist (car =
Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cdr Info-history)) (Info-find-node (nth=
 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-char (nth 2 hist))))
* signal(error ("No such node or anchor: Index for `ibuffer'"))
* error("No such node or anchor: %s" "Index for `ibuffer'")
* (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* ((=
m Info-tag-table-marker) (found (Info-find-in-tag-table m regexp))) (when f=
ound (setq guesspos (nth 1 found)) (unless (eq (nth 2 found) (quote Info-mo=
de)) (setq guesspos (Info-read-subfile guesspos))) (when (nth 0 found) (got=
o-char (setq anchorpos guesspos)) (throw (quote foo) t))))) (goto-char (max=
 (point-min) (- (byte-to-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-n=
ode-in-buffer regexp))) (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (=
when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-f=
ind-node-2 filename (match-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen)=
 (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename))
* (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (i=
f (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (=
quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* ((m Info-tag=
-table-marker) (found (Info-find-in-tag-table m regexp))) (when found (setq=
 guesspos (nth 1 found)) (unless (eq (nth 2 found) (quote Info-mode)) (setq=
 guesspos (Info-read-subfile guesspos))) (when (nth 0 found) (goto-char (se=
tq anchorpos guesspos)) (throw (quote foo) t))))) (goto-char (max (point-mi=
n) (- (byte-to-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-node-in-buf=
fer regexp))) (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (when (stri=
ng-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2=
 filename (match-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen) (throw (q=
uote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)) (Info-select-n=
ode) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (not (fboundp (quo=
te Info-breadcrumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrumbs-=
depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-history (list Info-=
current-file (substring-no-properties nodename)))) (setq Info-history-list =
(cons new-history (delete new-history Info-history-list)))) (goto-char anch=
orpos)) ((numberp Info-point-loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq=
 Info-point-loc nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-=
point-loc) (setq Info-point-loc nil))))
* (if (string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) =
(Info-set-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node=
:\\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (if (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *=
[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker=
) (let* ((m Info-tag-table-marker) (found (Info-find-in-tag-table m regexp)=
)) (when found (setq guesspos (nth 1 found)) (unless (eq ... ...) (setq gue=
sspos ...)) (when (nth 0 found) (goto-char ...) (throw ... t))))) (goto-cha=
r (max (point-min) (- (byte-to-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-=
find-node-in-buffer regexp))) (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) =
t))) (when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (=
Info-find-node-2 filename (match-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (=
widen) (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)=
) (Info-select-node) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (n=
ot (fboundp (quote Info-breadcrumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> I=
nfo-breadcrumbs-depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-his=
tory (list Info-current-file ...))) (setq Info-history-list (cons new-histo=
ry (delete new-history Info-history-list)))) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numbe=
rp Info-point-loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc=
 nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (set=
q Info-point-loc nil)))))
* (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (quote Info-virtual=
-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Info-current-file) =
nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let ((filename (or f=
ilename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Info-current-file f=
ilename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-f=
ile-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun filename nodena=
me no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (setq buffer-read-=
only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-c=
urrent-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not (boundp ...)) (not Info-curr=
ent-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file filename)))=
) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-current-node-=
virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-=
current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-current-fi=
le))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-fil=
e-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq filename =
t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert-buffer-s=
ubstring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (insert-buffer-=
substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-buffer-sub=
string " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq de=
fault-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modified-p ni=
l) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Inf=
o-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-l=
ine -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not ...))) (let (pos) (se=
arch-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion ... =
...) (let ... ... ... ...) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-ma=
rker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) (if (=
string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (Info-s=
et-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\\|Ref=
:\\) *\\(" (if (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]=
"))) (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let*=
 ((m Info-tag-table-marker) (found ...)) (when found (setq guesspos ...) (u=
nless ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- (byte-t=
o-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-node-in-buffer regexp)))=
 (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (when (string-match "\\(=
[^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename (ma=
tch-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t))=
 (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-ch=
ar (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (not (fboundp (quote Info-bread=
crumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrumbs-depth 0)) (fo=
rward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-history ...)) (setq Info-history=
-list (cons new-history ...))) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-=
loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((strin=
gp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-l=
oc nil))))) (when (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fbound=
p (quote fit-frame)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame)))
* (unwind-protect (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (qu=
ote Info-virtual-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Inf=
o-current-file) nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let =
((filename (or filename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Inf=
o-current-file filename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completi=
ons nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun=
 filename nodename no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (s=
etq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variab=
le (quote Info-current-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not ...) (not In=
fo-current-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file file=
name)))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp ...) Info-current-=
node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable ...) nil) (unless filename (setq fi=
lename Info-current-file))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfil=
e nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer=
) (cond ((eq filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename ...) (inser=
t-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-su=
bstring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-substring " *=
info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq default-dire=
ctory ...))) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote I=
nfo-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Info-file-supports-index-cookies filenam=
e)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -8) (if (not (or ... ...)) (let (=
pos) (search-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos ...) (if ... ... ...)) (s=
et-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) =
(if (string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (I=
nfo-set-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\=
\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (if ... ... "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (quote foo) (when =
(marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* (... ...) (when found ... ...=
 ...))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- ... 1000))) (let ((pos ...)) (when p=
os (goto-char pos) (throw ... t))) (when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nod=
ename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename ... no-going-back n=
omsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" n=
odename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when=
 (and (not (fboundp ...)) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrum=
bs-depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let (...) (setq Info-histo=
ry-list ...)) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-loc) (forward-lin=
e (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc=
) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-loc nil))))) (when=
 (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fboundp (quote fit-fram=
e)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame))) (or Info-current-node no-going-back =
(null Info-history) (let ((hist (car Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cd=
r Info-history)) (Info-find-node (nth 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-c=
har (nth 2 hist)))))
  Info-find-node-2("*Indexed*" "Index for `ibuffer'" nil nil)
* Info-find-node("*Indexed*" "Index for `ibuffer'")
  Info-index-entries-across-manuals("ibuffer" ("emacs" "elisp") nil)

Emacs 24.1:
Debugger entered--returning value: t
* info-insert-file-contents("c:/Emacs-24.1/info/emacs" nil)
* (cond ((eq filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apro=
pos)) (insert-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote his=
tory)) (insert-buffer-substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote to=
c)) (insert-buffer-substring " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents =
filename nil) (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename))))
* (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-current-node-=
virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-=
current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-current-fi=
le))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-fil=
e-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq filename =
t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert-buffer-s=
ubstring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (insert-buffer-=
substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-buffer-sub=
string " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq de=
fault-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modified-p ni=
l) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Inf=
o-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-l=
ine -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not (search-forward "=1F\=
nEnd tag table\n" nil t)))) (let (pos) (search-backward "\nTag table:\n") (=
setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion (forward-line 2) (looking-at "(Indire=
ct)\n")) (let ((buf (current-buffer)) (tagbuf (or Info-tag-table-buffer ...=
))) (setq Info-tag-table-buffer tagbuf) (with-current-buffer tagbuf (buffer=
-disable-undo (current-buffer)) (setq case-fold-search t) (erase-buffer) (i=
nsert-buffer-substring buf)) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker (match-end 0=
) tagbuf)) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-marker Info-tag-ta=
ble-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename))
* (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let ((filename (or filename Info-current-=
file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Info-current-file filename Info-current-=
subfile nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-=
buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun filename nodename no-going-back) (se=
t-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (setq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-m=
odified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-current-node-virtual))=
 t))) ((not (and (or (not (boundp (quote Info-current-node-virtual))) (not =
Info-current-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file fi=
lename)))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-curr=
ent-node-virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (qu=
ote Info-current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-c=
urrent-file))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-cu=
rrent-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq =
filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert=
-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (inser=
t-buffer-substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-b=
uffer-substring " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil)=
 (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modi=
fied-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cooki=
es)) (Info-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (=
forward-line -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not (search-forw=
ard "=1F\nEnd tag table\n" nil t)))) (let (pos) (search-backward "\nTag tab=
le:\n") (setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion (forward-line 2) (looking-at=
 "(Indirect)\n")) (let (... ...) (setq Info-tag-table-buffer tagbuf) (with-=
current-buffer tagbuf ... ... ... ...) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker ..=
. tagbuf)) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-marker Info-tag-ta=
ble-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename))))
* (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (quote Info-virtual=
-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Info-current-file) =
nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let ((filename (or f=
ilename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Info-current-file f=
ilename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-f=
ile-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun filename nodena=
me no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (setq buffer-read-=
only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-c=
urrent-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not (boundp ...)) (not Info-curr=
ent-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file filename)))=
) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-current-node-=
virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-=
current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-current-fi=
le))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-fil=
e-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq filename =
t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert-buffer-s=
ubstring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (insert-buffer-=
substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-buffer-sub=
string " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq de=
fault-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modified-p ni=
l) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Inf=
o-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-l=
ine -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not ...))) (let (pos) (se=
arch-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion ... =
...) (let ... ... ... ...) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-ma=
rker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) (if (=
string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (Info-s=
et-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\\|Ref=
:\\) *\\(" (if (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]=
"))) (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let*=
 ((m Info-tag-table-marker) (found ...)) (when found (setq guesspos ...) (u=
nless ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- (byte-t=
o-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-node-in-buffer regexp)))=
 (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (when (string-match "\\(=
[^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename (ma=
tch-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t))=
 (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-ch=
ar (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (not (fboundp (quote Info-bread=
crumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrumbs-depth 0)) (fo=
rward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-history ...)) (setq Info-history=
-list (cons new-history ...))) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-=
loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((strin=
gp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-l=
oc nil))))) (when (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fbound=
p (quote fit-frame)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame)))
* (unwind-protect (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (qu=
ote Info-virtual-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Inf=
o-current-file) nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let =
((filename (or filename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Inf=
o-current-file filename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completi=
ons nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun=
 filename nodename no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (s=
etq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variab=
le (quote Info-current-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not ...) (not In=
fo-current-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file file=
name)))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp ...) Info-current-=
node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable ...) nil) (unless filename (setq fi=
lename Info-current-file))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfil=
e nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer=
) (cond ((eq filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename ...) (inser=
t-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-su=
bstring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-substring " *=
info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq default-dire=
ctory ...))) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote I=
nfo-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Info-file-supports-index-cookies filenam=
e)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -8) (if (not (or ... ...)) (let (=
pos) (search-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos ...) (if ... ... ...)) (s=
et-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) =
(if (string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (I=
nfo-set-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\=
\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (if ... ... "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (quote foo) (when =
(marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* (... ...) (when found ... ...=
 ...))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- ... 1000))) (let ((pos ...)) (when p=
os (goto-char pos) (throw ... t))) (when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nod=
ename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename ... no-going-back n=
omsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" n=
odename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when=
 (and (not (fboundp ...)) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrum=
bs-depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let (...) (setq Info-histo=
ry-list ...)) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-loc) (forward-lin=
e (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc=
) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-loc nil))))) (when=
 (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fboundp (quote fit-fram=
e)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame))) (or Info-current-node no-going-back =
(null Info-history) (let ((hist (car Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cd=
r Info-history)) (Info-find-node (nth 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-c=
har (nth 2 hist)))))
  Info-find-node-2("c:/Emacs-24.1/info/emacs" "Top" t nil)
* Info-find-node("c:/Emacs-24.1/info/emacs" "Top" t nil)
  (let ((hist (car Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cdr Info-history)) (=
Info-find-node (nth 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-char (nth 2 hist)))
  (or Info-current-node no-going-back (null Info-history) (let ((hist (car =
Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cdr Info-history)) (Info-find-node (nth=
 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-char (nth 2 hist))))
* signal(error ("No such node or anchor: Index for `ibuffer'"))
* error("No such node or anchor: %s" "Index for `ibuffer'")
* (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* ((=
m Info-tag-table-marker) (found (Info-find-in-tag-table m regexp))) (when f=
ound (setq guesspos (nth 1 found)) (unless (eq (nth 2 found) (quote Info-mo=
de)) (setq guesspos (Info-read-subfile guesspos))) (when (nth 0 found) (got=
o-char (setq anchorpos guesspos)) (throw (quote foo) t))))) (goto-char (max=
 (point-min) (- (byte-to-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-n=
ode-in-buffer regexp))) (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (=
when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-f=
ind-node-2 filename (match-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen)=
 (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename))
* (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (i=
f (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (=
quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* ((m Info-tag=
-table-marker) (found (Info-find-in-tag-table m regexp))) (when found (setq=
 guesspos (nth 1 found)) (unless (eq (nth 2 found) (quote Info-mode)) (setq=
 guesspos (Info-read-subfile guesspos))) (when (nth 0 found) (goto-char (se=
tq anchorpos guesspos)) (throw (quote foo) t))))) (goto-char (max (point-mi=
n) (- (byte-to-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-node-in-buf=
fer regexp))) (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (when (stri=
ng-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2=
 filename (match-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen) (throw (q=
uote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)) (Info-select-n=
ode) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (not (fboundp (quo=
te Info-breadcrumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrumbs-=
depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-history (list Info-=
current-file (substring-no-properties nodename)))) (setq Info-history-list =
(cons new-history (delete new-history Info-history-list)))) (goto-char anch=
orpos)) ((numberp Info-point-loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq=
 Info-point-loc nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-=
point-loc) (setq Info-point-loc nil))))
* (if (string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) =
(Info-set-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node=
:\\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (if (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *=
[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker=
) (let* ((m Info-tag-table-marker) (found (Info-find-in-tag-table m regexp)=
)) (when found (setq guesspos (nth 1 found)) (unless (eq ... ...) (setq gue=
sspos ...)) (when (nth 0 found) (goto-char ...) (throw ... t))))) (goto-cha=
r (max (point-min) (- (byte-to-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-=
find-node-in-buffer regexp))) (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) =
t))) (when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (=
Info-find-node-2 filename (match-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (=
widen) (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)=
) (Info-select-node) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (n=
ot (fboundp (quote Info-breadcrumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> I=
nfo-breadcrumbs-depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-his=
tory (list Info-current-file ...))) (setq Info-history-list (cons new-histo=
ry (delete new-history Info-history-list)))) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numbe=
rp Info-point-loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc=
 nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (set=
q Info-point-loc nil)))))
* (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (quote Info-virtual=
-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Info-current-file) =
nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let ((filename (or f=
ilename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Info-current-file f=
ilename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-f=
ile-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun filename nodena=
me no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (setq buffer-read-=
only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-c=
urrent-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not (boundp ...)) (not Info-curr=
ent-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file filename)))=
) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp (quote Info-current-node-=
virtual)) Info-current-node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-=
current-node-virtual)) nil) (unless filename (setq filename Info-current-fi=
le))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-fil=
e-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (cond ((eq filename =
t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename (quote apropos)) (insert-buffer-s=
ubstring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename (quote history)) (insert-buffer-=
substring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename (quote toc)) (insert-buffer-sub=
string " *info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq de=
fault-directory (file-name-directory filename)))) (set-buffer-modified-p ni=
l) (set (make-local-variable (quote Info-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Inf=
o-file-supports-index-cookies filename)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-l=
ine -8) (if (not (or (string-equal nodename "*") (not ...))) (let (pos) (se=
arch-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos (point)) (if (save-excursion ... =
...) (let ... ... ... ...) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker pos))) (set-ma=
rker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) (if (=
string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (Info-s=
et-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\\|Ref=
:\\) *\\(" (if (stringp nodename) (regexp-quote nodename) "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]=
"))) (catch (quote foo) (when (marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let*=
 ((m Info-tag-table-marker) (found ...)) (when found (setq guesspos ...) (u=
nless ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- (byte-t=
o-position guesspos) 1000))) (let ((pos (Info-find-node-in-buffer regexp)))=
 (when pos (goto-char pos) (throw (quote foo) t))) (when (string-match "\\(=
[^.]+\\)\\." nodename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename (ma=
tch-string 1 nodename) no-going-back nomsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t))=
 (error "No such node or anchor: %s" nodename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-ch=
ar (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when (and (not (fboundp (quote Info-bread=
crumbs))) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrumbs-depth 0)) (fo=
rward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let ((new-history ...)) (setq Info-history=
-list (cons new-history ...))) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-=
loc) (forward-line (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((strin=
gp Info-point-loc) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-l=
oc nil))))) (when (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fbound=
p (quote fit-frame)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame)))
* (unwind-protect (let ((case-fold-search t) (virtual-fun (and (fboundp (qu=
ote Info-virtual-fun)) (Info-virtual-fun (quote find-node) (or filename Inf=
o-current-file) nodename))) anchorpos) (cond ((functionp virtual-fun) (let =
((filename (or filename Info-current-file))) (setq buffer-read-only nil Inf=
o-current-file filename Info-current-subfile nil Info-current-file-completi=
ons nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer) (Info-virtual-call virtual-fun=
 filename nodename no-going-back) (set-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil) (s=
etq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variab=
le (quote Info-current-node-virtual)) t))) ((not (and (or (not ...) (not In=
fo-current-node-virtual)) (or (null filename) (equal Info-current-file file=
name)))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (when (and (boundp ...) Info-current-=
node-virtual) (set (make-local-variable ...) nil) (unless filename (setq fi=
lename Info-current-file))) (setq Info-current-file nil Info-current-subfil=
e nil Info-current-file-completions nil buffer-file-name nil) (erase-buffer=
) (cond ((eq filename t) (Info-insert-dir nomsg)) ((eq filename ...) (inser=
t-buffer-substring " *info-apropos*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-su=
bstring " *info-history*")) ((eq filename ...) (insert-buffer-substring " *=
info-toc*")) (t (info-insert-file-contents filename nil) (setq default-dire=
ctory ...))) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (set (make-local-variable (quote I=
nfo-file-supports-index-cookies)) (Info-file-supports-index-cookies filenam=
e)) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -8) (if (not (or ... ...)) (let (=
pos) (search-backward "\nTag table:\n") (setq pos ...) (if ... ... ...)) (s=
et-marker Info-tag-table-marker nil)) (setq Info-current-file filename)))) =
(if (string-equal nodename "*") (progn (setq Info-current-node nodename) (I=
nfo-set-mode-line)) (let ((guesspos (point-min)) (regexp (concat "\\(Node:\=
\|Ref:\\) *\\(" (if ... ... "") "\\) *[, \n\x7f]"))) (catch (quote foo) (when =
(marker-position Info-tag-table-marker) (let* (... ...) (when found ... ...=
 ...))) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- ... 1000))) (let ((pos ...)) (when p=
os (goto-char pos) (throw ... t))) (when (string-match "\\([^.]+\\)\\." nod=
ename) (let (Info-point-loc) (Info-find-node-2 filename ... no-going-back n=
omsg)) (widen) (throw (quote foo) t)) (error "No such node or anchor: %s" n=
odename)) (Info-select-node) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (when=
 (and (not (fboundp ...)) Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag (> Info-breadcrum=
bs-depth 0)) (forward-line 1)) (cond (anchorpos (let (...) (setq Info-histo=
ry-list ...)) (goto-char anchorpos)) ((numberp Info-point-loc) (forward-lin=
e (- Info-point-loc 2)) (setq Info-point-loc nil)) ((stringp Info-point-loc=
) (Info-find-index-name Info-point-loc) (setq Info-point-loc nil))))) (when=
 (and (one-window-p t) (not (window-minibuffer-p)) (fboundp (quote fit-fram=
e)) Info-fit-frame-flag) (fit-frame))) (or Info-current-node no-going-back =
(null Info-history) (let ((hist (car Info-history))) (setq Info-history (cd=
r Info-history)) (Info-find-node (nth 0 hist) (nth 1 hist) t nomsg) (goto-c=
har (nth 2 hist)))))
  Info-find-node-2("*Indexed*" "Index for `ibuffer'" nil nil)
* Info-find-node("*Indexed*" "Index for `ibuffer'")
  Info-index-entries-across-manuals("ibuffer" ("emacs" "elisp") nil)
In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2012-07-16 on MARVIN
Bzr revision: 109106
Windowing system distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
Configured using:
 `configure --with-gcc (4.6) --no-opt --enable-checking --cflags

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 33+ messages in thread

end of thread, other threads:[~2012-07-30 13:35 UTC | newest]

Thread overview: 33+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2012-07-20 16:13 bug#11999: 24.1.50; New Info file suffix ".info" breaks `Info-find-node-2' Drew Adams
2012-07-20 18:30 ` Andreas Schwab
2012-07-20 18:45   ` Drew Adams
2012-07-20 19:19     ` Andreas Schwab
2012-07-20 20:03       ` Drew Adams
2012-07-20 20:08         ` Andreas Schwab
2012-07-20 20:09           ` Drew Adams
2012-07-20 20:11             ` Andreas Schwab
2012-07-20 20:47         ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-20 20:43     ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-20 21:08       ` Drew Adams
2012-07-21  8:47         ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-21 13:58           ` Drew Adams
2012-07-22  9:50           ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-22 14:34             ` Drew Adams
2012-07-22 15:16             ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-23  8:53               ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-23 13:54                 ` Drew Adams
2012-07-23 23:28                   ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-24  1:30                     ` Drew Adams
2012-07-24  9:02                       ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-24 16:38                 ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-24 21:53                   ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-25 16:06                     ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-25 23:53                       ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-26  3:06                         ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-26 23:18                           ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-27  6:49                             ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-28 21:36                               ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-29  2:50                                 ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-30  9:30                                   ` Stefan Monnier
2012-07-30 13:35                                     ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-07-29  6:30                                 ` Juri Linkov

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