It's not only minibuffer editing though. It could be just regular messages/minibuffer-messages from anywhere else. For instance messages from a linter or some callback response from some connection letting you know something's been set up. I don't want my low-priority hinting covering any of that up.

05.10.2020, 21:19, "Eli Zaretskii" <>:
 From: pinkanon pinkanon <>
 Cc: "" <>
 Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2020 20:43:33 +0300
 I am doing an eldoc sort of thing and I don't want my hint messages interfering with any other, probably more
 important, messages. I want to do it by seeing if there's anything at all displayed currently in the mini window
 and, if not, show my hint. I guess current-message should meet most of my needs, but I got curious and
 asked anyhow.

If the minibuffer is active (i.e. the user is typing a response for
some prompt), the hints you show via 'message' will not overwrite the
minibuffer stuff, but will be shown after it. So you should have no
problems due to minibuffer editing in your application.