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Subject: Re: bug#73500: eglot: diagnostic location not always shown
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 12:16:53 +0200
From: Federico Beffa <federico.beffa@fbengineering.ch>
To: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>

On 30/09/2024 11:41, João Távora wrote:
On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 10:19 AM Federico Beffa
<federico.beffa@fbengineering.ch> wrote:
A few questions:
* have you checked the provided lsp*.log files which show that the diagnostics is sent?
Yes.  But I don't get that log, as I already showed.
* have you checked the provided screenshots showing an exclamation mark in the fringe but no underlining?
These are not from emacs -Q so I ignored them. For all I know you may have a
(imaginary-bugs) in your init file. Or have a different setting of the
underlining face
to something that can't be rendered.

A screenshot of a clean Emacs -Q would have been slightly more useful (well
not really useful, but more interesting at least).

They are, I just enabled manually in the session the wombat theme because I prefer dark ones.

* How do you explain the exclamation mark in the fringe which doess not appear if eglot is not enabled?
That's an odd question.  I don't, of course. Much as I can't "explain"
that grainy
footage that someone says they took of bigfoot.  Maybe bigfoot exists, maybe
it's just a far away hunchback person.  I'll have a better change of
"explaining" something once I can investigate it myself, and so far
I haven't been able to reproduce your sighting.

* Do you also see the exclamation mark in the fringe on the line in question?
No, when I tried your Emacs -Q recipe I didn't see any diagnostics.  I
thought I
explained that.

* Does "cabal run" works? Do you see the output? If not please provide the complete error message.
Eglot doesn't interact with cabal, it interacts via LSP with

Nobody said that eglot interacts with cabal. It's the `haskell-language-server` that does...  and, as I told several times, without cabal you don't get any warning and hence the diagnostics.

I can tell you I managed a successful interaction where the server in question
connected perfectly and analized the Main.hs program you provided.  When
Tweaking the program, I got some diagnostics.  As far as I'm concerned
witnessed  first hand in an Emacs -Q session, Eglot correctly underlines all
diagnostics coming from that server, which is not suprising to me, since
they look a lot like any other diagnostic coming from  any other server and
Eglot doesn't care about the provenance of diagnostics.

Also, I uninstalled everything haskell, it bloated up my system and I don't plan
on installing it again..


From all your previous replies I expected these answers. Dismissing bug reports without making any serious effort to reproduce them just makes a disservice to your own and to the Emacs projects. Never mind, I wanted to help the project, but I'll move on to other less buggy and more feature reach options.