On 2018-12-17 14:28, Clément Pit-Claudel wrote: > On 10/12/2018 20.40, Dmitry Gutov wrote: >> On 22.11.2018 16:12, Dmitry Gutov wrote: >> >>> I have just tried a --with-cairo build of the latest master, and can't repro any of the symptoms described here, as long as Emacs is launched with GDK_SCALE=1 (I have a HiDPI screen, and redisplay with scale=2 looks very broken). >> >> And with the current emacs-26 branch, even that is not a problem. >> >> So to sum up, I'm failing to reproduce any of the problems described in this bug report. Could any of the previous commenters try? > > I just tried it again, on master. I can't reproduce the problem any more. I can reproduce the issue again. On 26 Mar 2019, Yamamoto Mitsuharu wrote: > Does the OP still have the similar problem on master? If so, could > you try the patch below? The patch doesn't apply any more for me :/ Could you refresh it? My current recipe is this: src/emacs -Q --eval "(progn (load-theme 'tango-dark t) (sleep-for 1) (setq-default initial-frame-alist '((fullscreen . maximized))) (tool-bar-mode -1) (menu-bar-mode -1))" It produces a display similar to the screenshot attached. Clément.