I have a Linux VM that I ssh into from my MacOS machine. From the terminal, in shell, this looks like: `ssh user@localhost -p 2222`. This works. I also am able to use tramp to ssh into a different machine. On the terminal, this looks like `ssh machinename`. For tramp I use `M-x dired /ssh:machinename:/home/user `. I am trying to ssh into the localhost via emacs. I use `M-x dired /ssh:user@localhost#2222:/ `. This does not work. The message it will show is “Opening connection will for user@localhost using ssh…” forever. Emacs will become unresponsive, and I will hear my fans very loudly. This continues for as long as I’ve let it. I have to Force Quit emacs. I am running GNU Emacs 30.0.50. - Arteen