On 10/27/23 12:43, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > Please do try to come up with a recipe. Uncompress the attached file, and "emacs -Q x.txt" Then, M-:, and insert this:     (progn       (setq scroll-conservatively 101)       (font-lock-add-keywords nil '(((lambda (bound)) (1 'error prepend t))) t)       (setq auto-hscroll-mode 'current-line)       (setq truncate-lines t)       (goto-char (point-max))) Emacs will stop at line 19232 (point 3323065), but the file has 48263 lines. As it turned out, this uses a rarely used configuration setting (auto-hscroll-mode set to current-line), so this issue is not a big deal I suppose.