;; hebrew.el --- Quail package for inputting Hebrew characters -*-coding: utf-8;-*- ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, ;; 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) ;; Registration Number H14PRO021 ;; Many input methods in this file provided ;; by Yair Friedman ;; Keywords: multilingual, input method, Hebrew ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'quail) (quail-define-package "hebrew" "Hebrew" "ע" nil "Hebrew SI-1452 input method. Based on SI-1452 keyboard layout. Only Hebrew-related characters are considered. 'q' is used to switch levels instead of Alt-Gr. Maqaaf (־) is mapped to '/פ'. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("`" ?\;) ("w" ?\') ("e" ?ק) ; Qof ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?א) ; Alef ("y" ?ט) ; Tet ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("o" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("p" ?פ) ; Pe ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("a" ?ש) ; Shin ("s" ?ד) ; Dalet ("d" ?ג) ; Gimel ("f" ?כ) ; Kaf ("g" ?ע) ; Ayin ("h" ?י) ; Yod ("j" ?ח) ; Het ("k" ?ל) ; Lamed ("l" ?ך) ; Final Kaf (";" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("'" ?,) ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?ס) ; Samekh ("c" ?ב) ; Bet ("v" ?ה) ; He ("b" ?נ) ; Nun ("n" ?מ) ; Mem ("m" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("," ?ת) ; Tav ("." ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("/" ?.) ; Stop ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("{" ?}) ; mirroring ("}" ?{) ; mirroring ("<" ?>) ; mirroring (">" ?<) ; mirroring ("q`" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("q1" ?ֱ) ; Hataf Segol ("q2" ?ֲ) ; Hataf Patah ("q3" ?ֳ) ; Hataf Qamats ("q4" ?ִ) ; Hiriq ("q5" ?ֵ) ; Tsere ("q6" ?ֶ) ; Segol (Point) ("q7" ?ַ) ; Patah ("q8" ?ָ) ; Qamats ("q9" ?ׂ) ; Sin dot ("q0" ?ׁ) ; Shin dot ("q-" ?ֹ) ; Holam ("q=" ?ּ) ; Dagesh or Mapiq ("q\\" ?ֻ) ; Qubuts ("qq" ?/) ("qw" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("qi" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav ("qp" ?־) ; Maqaf ("q[" ?ֿ) ; Rafe ("q]" ?ֽ) ; Meteg ("qa" ?₪) ; New Sheqel sign ("qh" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod ("qj" ?ױ) ; Yiddish Vav Yod ("q\"" ?״) ; Gershayim (Punct.) ("q," ?\u200E) ; LRM ("q." ?\u200F) ; RLM ) (quail-define-package "hebrew-new" "Hebrew" "ע" nil "Hebrew SI-1452 new draft input method. Based on latest draft of SI-1452 keyboard layout. Only Hebrew-related characters are considered. ‘`’ is used to switch levels instead of Alt-Gr. Geresh is mapped to ‘`k’. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("q" ?/) ("w" ?\') ("e" ?ק) ; Qof ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?א) ; Alef ("y" ?ט) ; Tet ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("o" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("p" ?פ) ; Pe ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("a" ?ש) ; Shin ("s" ?ד) ; Dalet ("d" ?ג) ; Gimel ("f" ?כ) ; Kaf ("g" ?ע) ; Ayin ("h" ?י) ; Yod ("j" ?ח) ; Het ("k" ?ל) ; Lamed ("l" ?ך) ; Final Kaf (";" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("'" ?,) ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?ס) ; Samekh ("c" ?ב) ; Bet ("v" ?ה) ; He ("b" ?נ) ; Nun ("n" ?מ) ; Mem ("m" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("," ?ת) ; Tav ("." ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("/" ?.) ; Stop ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("{" ?}) ; mirroring ("}" ?{) ; mirroring ("<" ?>) ; mirroring (">" ?<) ; mirroring ("``" ?\;) ("`1" ?ֽ) ; Meteg ;("`2" ??) ; Unassigned ("`3" ?€) ; Euro Sign ("`4" ?₪) ; New Sheqel sign ("`5" ?°) ; Degree Sign ("`6" ?֫) ; Ole ;("`7" ??) ; Unassigned ("`8" ?×) ; Multiplication Sign ("`9" ?\u200E) ; LRM ("`0" ?\u200F) ; RLM ("`-" ?־) ; Maqaf ("`=" ?–) ; En Dash ("`q" ?ׂ) ; Sin dot ("`w" ?ׁ) ; Shin dot ("`e" ?ָ) ; Qamats ("`r" ?ֳ) ; Hataf Qamats ;("`t" ??) ; Unassigned ("`y" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav ("`u" ?ֹ) ; Holam ;("`i" ??) ; Unassigned ;("`o" ??) ; Unassigned ("`p" ?ַ) ; Patah ("`[" ?ֲ) ; Hataf Patah ("`]" ?ֿ) ; Rafe ("`\\" ?ֻ) ; Qubuts ("`a" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("`s" ?ּ) ; Dagesh or Mapiq ;("`d" ??) ; Unassigned ;("`f" ??) ; Unassigned ("`g" ?ױ) ; Yiddish Vav Yod ("`h" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod ("`j" ?ִ) ; Hiriq ("`k" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("`l" ?“) ; Left Double Quotation Mark ("`;" ?”) ; Right Double Quotation Mark ("`'" ?״) ; Gershayim (Punct.) ;("`z" ??) ; Unassigned ("`x" ?ֶ) ; Segol (Point) ("`c" ?ֱ) ; Hataf Segol ;("`v" ??) ; Unassigned ;("`b" ??) ; Unassigned ;("`n" ??) ; Unassigned ("`m" ?ֵ) ; Tsere ;("`," ??) ; Unassigned ;("`." ??) ; Unassigned ("`/" ?÷) ; Division Sign ("``" ?׃) ; Sof Pasuq ("`!" ?֑) ; Etnahta ("`@" ?֒) ; Segol (Accent) ("`#" ?֓) ; Shalshelet ("`$" ?֔) ; Zaqef Qatan ("`%" ?֕) ; Zaqef Gadol ("`^" ?֖) ; Tipeha ("`&" ?֗) ; Revia ("`*" ?֘) ; Zarqa ("`(" ?֙) ; Pashta ("`)" ?֚) ; Yetiv ("`_" ?֛) ; Tevir ("`+" ?֜) ; Geresh (Accent) ("`Q" ?֝) ; Geresh Muqdam ("`W" ?֞) ; Gershayim (Accent) ("`E" ?ׇ) ; Qamats Qatan ("`R" ?֟) ; Qarney Para ("`T" ?֠) ; Telisha Gedola ("`Y" ?֡) ; Pazer ("`U" ?ֺ) ; Holam Haser for Vav ("`I" ?֢) ; Atnah Hafukh ("`O" ?֣) ; Munah ;("`P" ??) ; Reserved ("`{" ?֤) ; Mahapakh ("`}" ?֥) ; Merkha ("`|" ?֦) ; Merkha Kefula ;("`A" ??) ; Reserved ;("`S" ??) ; Reserved ("`D" ?֧) ; Darga ("`F" ?֨) ; Qadma ("`G" ?֩) ; Telisha Qetana ("`H" ?֪) ; Yerah Ben Yomo ("`J" ?\u200D) ; ZWJ ("`K" ?֬) ; Iluy ("`L" ?“) ; Left Double Quotation Mark (2nd) ("`:" ?„) ; Double Low-9 Quotation Mark ("`\"" ?֭) ; Dehi ("`Z" ?֮) ; Zinor ("`X" ?֯) ; Masora Circle ("`C" ?\u034F) ; CGJ ("`V" ?׀) ; Paseq ("`B" ?׆) ; Nun Hafukha ("`N" ?\u200C) ; ZWNJ ;("`M" ??) ; Unassigned ;("`<" ??) ; Unassigned ("`>" ?ׅ) ; Lower Dot ("`?" ?ׄ) ; Upper Dot ) (quail-define-package "hebrew-lyx" "Hebrew" "לִ" nil "Hebrew LyX input method. Based on LyX keyboard layout. Additional mappings for Rafe and Yiddish ligatures. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("`" ?\;) ("_" ?־) ; Maqaf ("q`" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("w" ?\') ("e" ?ק) ; Qof ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?א) ; Alef ("y" ?ט) ; Tet ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("o" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("p" ?פ) ; Pe ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("a" ?ש) ; Shin ("s" ?ד) ; Dalet ("d" ?ג) ; Gimel ("f" ?כ) ; Kaf ("g" ?ע) ; Ayin ("h" ?י) ; Yod ("j" ?ח) ; Het ("k" ?ל) ; Lamed ("l" ?ך) ; Final Kaf (";" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("'" ?,) ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?ס) ; Samekh ("c" ?ב) ; Bet ("v" ?ה) ; He ("b" ?נ) ; Nun ("n" ?מ) ; Mem ("m" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("," ?ת) ; Tav ("." ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("/" ?.) ; Stop ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("W" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("E" ?ָ) ; Qamats ("R" ?ֿ) ; Rafe ("T" ?\u200E) ; LRM ("Y" ?\u200F) ; RLM ("U" ?ֹ) ; Holam ("I" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod ("O" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav ("P" ?ַ) ; Patah ("{" ?}) ; mirroring ("}" ?{) ; mirroring ("A" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("S" ?ּ) ; Dagesh or Mapiq ("F" ?״) ; Gershayim (Punct.) ("G" ?ׂ) ; Sin dot ("H" ?ׁ) ; Shin dot ("J" ?ִ) ; Hiriq ("K" ?₪) ; New Sheqel sign ("L" ?ױ) ; Yiddish Vav Yod ("X" ?ֶ) ; Segol (Point) ("C" ?ֻ) ; Qubuts ("V" ?ֱ) ; Hataf Segol ("B" ?ֲ) ; Hataf Patah ("N" ?ֳ) ; Hataf Qamats ("M" ?ֵ) ; Tsere ("<" ?>) ; mirroring (">" ?<) ; mirroring ) (quail-define-package "hebrew-full" "Hebrew" "עִ֫" nil "Hebrew Full method. Provides access to all Hebrew characters suitable to Modern Hebrew. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("`" ?\;) ("-" ?־) ; Maqaf ("w" ?') ("e" ?ק) ; Qof ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?א) ; Alef ("y" ?ט) ; Tet ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("o" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("p" ?פ) ; Pe ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("a" ?ש) ; Shin ("s" ?ד) ; Dalet ("d" ?ג) ; Gimel ("f" ?כ) ; Kaf ("g" ?ע) ; Ayin ("h" ?י) ; Yod ("j" ?ח) ; Het ("k" ?ל) ; Lamed ("l" ?ך) ; Final Kaf (";" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("'" ?,) ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?ס) ; Samekh ("c" ?ב) ; Bet ("v" ?ה) ; He ("b" ?נ) ; Nun ("n" ?מ) ; Mem ("m" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("," ?ת) ; Tav ("." ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("/" ?.) ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("Q" ?/) ("W" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("E" ?₪) ; New Sheqel Sign ("R" ?ֿ) ; Rafe ("T" ?ֱ) ; Hataf Segol ("Y" ?ױ) ; Yiddish Vav Yod ("U" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav ("I" ?ֲ) ; Hataf Patah ("O" ?ֳ) ; Hataf Qamats ("P" ?״) ; Gershayim (Punct.) ("{" ?}) ; mirroring ("}" ?{) ; mirroring ("A" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("S" ?ּ) ; Dagesh or Mapiq ("D" ?ֻ) ; Qubuts ("F" ?ֹ) ; Holam ("G" ?ֶ) ; Segol (Point) ("H" ?ֵ) ; Tsere ("J" ?ִ) ; Hiriq ("K" ?ַ) ; Patah ("L" ?ָ) ; Qamats ("Z" ?ׂ) ; Sin Dot ("X" ?ׁ) ; Shin Dot ("C" ?֫) ; Ole ("V" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod ("B" ?׃) ; Sof Pasuq ("N" ?\u200E) ; LRM ("M" ?\u200F) ; RLM ("<" ?>) ; mirroring (">" ?<) ; mirroring ("q`" ?\u202D) ; LRO ("q1" ?\u202E) ; RLO ("q2" ?\u202A) ; LRE ("q3" ?\u202B) ; RLE ("q4" ?\u202C) ; PDF ("q5" ?\u034F) ; CGJ ("q6" ?֬) ; Iluy ("q8" ?֭) ; Dehi ("q9" ?ׇ) ; Qamats Qatan ("q0" ?֝) ; Geresh Muqdam ("q-" ?-) ; Minus ("q=" ?֮) ; Zinor ("q|" ?׀) ; Paseq ("qw" ?֯) ; Masora Circle ("qe" ?ׄ) ; Upper Dot ("qr" ?ׅ) ; Lower Dot ("qy" ?֟) ; Qarney Para ("qu" ?֓) ; Shalshelet ("qi" ?֞) ; Gershayim (Accent) ("qo" ?֜) ; Geresh (Accent) ("qp" ?֨) ; Qadma ("q[" ?׆) ; Nun Hafukha ("qa" ?ֺ) ; Holam Haser for Vav ("qs" ?֩) ; Telisha Qetana ("qd" ?֠) ; Telisha Gedola ("qf" ?֡) ; Pazer ("qg" ?֕) ; Zaqef Gadol ("qh" ?֔) ; Zaqef Qatan ("qj" ?֙) ; Pashta ("qk" ?֤) ; Mahapakh ("ql" ?֗) ; Revia ("q;" ?֒) ; Segol (Accent) ("q'" ?֘) ; Zarqa ("qz" ?֪) ; Yerah Ben Yomo ("qx" ?֦) ; Merkha Kefula ("qc" ?֚) ; Yetiv ("qv" ?֛) ; Tevir ("qb" ?֧) ; Darga ("qn" ?֑) ; Etnahta ("qm" ?֣) ; Munah ("q," ?֖) ; Tipeha ("q." ?֥) ; Merkha ("q/" ?ֽ) ; Meteg ) (quail-define-package "hebrew-biblical-tiro" "Hebrew" "תִרֹ" nil "Biblical Hebrew Tiro input method. Based on Society of Biblical Literature's Tiro keyboard layout. Not suitable for modern Hebrew input. 'q' is used to switch levels instead of Alt-Gr. Combining dot above (Called Masora dot) (̇) is mapped to 'q1'. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("`" ?׃) ; Sof Pasuq ("-" ?־) ; Maqaf ("=" ?◦) ; White Bullet ("w" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("e" ?ק) ; Qof ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?א) ; Alef ("y" ?ט) ; Tet ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("o" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("p" ?פ) ; Pe ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("\\" ?׀) ; Paseq ("a" ?ש) ; Shin ("s" ?ד) ; Dalet ("d" ?ג) ; Gimel ("f" ?כ) ; Kaf ("g" ?ע) ; Ayin ("h" ?י) ; Yod ("j" ?ח) ; Het ("k" ?ל) ; Lamed ("l" ?ך) ; Final Kaf (";" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("'" ?֚) ; Yetiv ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?ס) ; Samekh ("c" ?ב) ; Bet ("v" ?ה) ; He ("b" ?נ) ; Nun ("n" ?מ) ; Mem ("m" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("," ?ת) ; Tav ("." ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("/" ?֭) ; Dehi ("~" ?֮) ; Zinor ("!" ?֩) ; Telisha Qetana ("@" ?֙) ; Pashta ("#" ?֒) ; Segol (Accent) ("$" ?֯) ; Masora circle ("%" ?ֺ) ; Holam Haser for Vav ("^" ?ֹ) ; Holam ("&" ?ֿ) ; Rafe ("*" ?ׂ) ; Sin dot ("(" ?ׁ) ; Shin dot (")" ?֝) ; Geresh Muqdam ("_" ?֠) ; Telisha Gedola ("+" ?ּ) ; Dagesh or Mapiq ("Q" ?ׄ) ; Upper dot ("W" ?֬) ; Iluy ("E" ?֫) ; Ole ("R" ?֟) ; Qarney Para ("T" ?֓) ; Shalshelet ("Y" ?֞) ; Gershayim (Accent) ("U" ?֜) ; Geresh (Accent) ("I" ?֡) ; Pazer ("O" ?֕) ; Zaqef Gadol ("P" ?֔) ; Zaqef Qatan ("{" ?֗) ; Revia ("}" ?֘) ; Zarqa ("|" ?֨) ; Qadma ("A" ?ֽ) ; Meteg ("S" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("D" ?ֻ) ; Qubuts ("F" ?ִ) ; Hiriq ("G" ?ֱ) ; Hataf Segol ("H" ?ֶ) ; Segol (Point) ("J" ?ֵ) ; Tsere ("K" ?ֳ) ; Hataf Qamats ("L" ?ָ) ; Qamats (":" ?ֲ) ; Hataf Patah ("\"" ?ַ) ; Patah ("Z" ?ׅ) ; Lower dot ("X" ?֤) ; Mahapakh ("C" ?֪) ; Yerah Ben Yomo ("V" ?֦) ; Merkha Kefula ("B" ?֥) ; Merkha ("N" ?֧) ; Darga ("M" ?֛) ; Tevir ("<" ?֑) ; Etnahta (">" ?֖) ; Tipeha ("?" ?֣) ; Munah ("q`" ?\;) ("q1" ?\u0307) ; Combining dot above ("q2" ?\u0336) ; Combining long stroke overlay ("q3" ?\u030A) ; Combining ring above ("q4" ?₪) ; New Sheqel Sign ("q5" ?\u200D) ; ZWJ ("q6" ?\u200C) ; ZWNJ ("q7" ?\u034F) ; CGJ ("q8" ?\u200E) ; LRM ("q9" ?\u200F) ; RLM ("q0" ?◌) ; Dotted Circle ("q-" ?-) ; Minus ("q=" ?•) ; Bullet ("qq" ?\u0308) ; Combining Diaeresis ("qw" ?״) ; Gershayim (Punct.) ("qe" ?€) ; Euro Sign ("qu" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav ("q\\" ?\\) ("qh" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod ("qj" ?ױ) ; Yiddish Vav Yod ("ql" ?ׇ) ; Qamats Qatan ("q'" ?,) ("qc" ?֢) ; Atnah Hafukh ("qb" ?׆) ; Nun Hafukha ("q/" ?.) ("q~" ?~) ("q!" ?!) ("q@" ?@) ("q#" ?#) ("q$" ?$) ("q%" ?%) ("q^" ?^) ("q&" ?&) ("q*" ?*) ("q(" ?\)) ; mirroring ("q)" ?\() ; mirroring ("q_" ?_) ("q+" ?+) ("qQ" ?/) ("qW" ?') ("q{" ?}) ; mirroring ("q}" ?{) ; mirroring ("q|" ?|) ("q:" ?:) ("q\"" ?\") ("q<" ?>) ("q>" ?<) ("q?" ??) ) (quail-define-package "hebrew-biblical-sil" "Hebrew" "סִל" nil "Biblical Hebrew SIL input method. Based on Society of Biblical Literature's SIL keyboard layout. Phonetic and not suitable for modern Hebrew input. ‘`’ is used to switch levels instead of Alt-Gr. Euro Sign (€) is mapped to ‘Z’. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("-" ?־) ; Maqaf ("=" ?ּ) ; Dagesh or Mapiq ("q" ?ק) ; Qof ("w" ?ו) ; Vav ("e" ?ֶ) ; Segol (Point) ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?ת) ; Tav ("y" ?י) ; Yod ("u" ?ֻ) ; Qubuts ("i" ?ִ) ; Hiriq ("o" ?ֹ) ; Holam ("p" ?פ) ; Pe ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("\\" ?׀) ; Paseq ("a" ?ַ) ; Patah ("s" ?ס) ; Samekh ("d" ?ד) ; Dalet ("f" [ "שׂ" ]) ; Shin + Sin dot ("g" ?ג) ; Gimel ("h" ?ה) ; He ("j" [ "שׁ" ]) ; Shin + Shin dot ("k" ?כ) ; Kaf ("l" ?ל) ; Lamed (";" ?ְ) ; Sheva ("'" ?’) ; Right Single Quotation Mark ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?ח) ; Het ("c" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("v" ?ט) ; Tet ("b" ?ב) ; Bet ("n" ?נ) ; Nun ("m" ?מ) ; Mem ("~" ?₪) ; New Sheqel Sign ("@" ?֘) ; Zarqa ("#" ?֨) ; Qadma ("$" ?֜) ; Geresh (Accent) ("%" ?֞) ; Gershayim (Accent) ("&" ?֬) ; Iluy ("*" ?֝) ; Geresh Muqdam ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("_" ?–) ; Em Dash ("Q" ?֗) ; Revia ("E" ?ֵ) ; Tsere ("Y" ?֟) ; Qarney Para ("O" ?ֺ) ; Holam Haser for Vav ("P" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("{" ?}) ; mirroring ("}" ?{) ; mirroring ("A" ?ָ) ; Qamats ("S" ?ש) ; Shin ("K" ?ך) ; Final Kaf (":" ?״) ; Gershayim (Punct.) ("\"" ?”) ; Right Double Quotation Mark ("Z" ?€) ; Euro Sign ("C" ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("N" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("M" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("<" ?ע) ; Ayin (">" ?א) ; Alef ("``" ?$) ("`1" ?ֽ) ; Meteg ("`2" ?֢) ; Atnah Hafukh ("`3" ?֖) ; Tipeha ("`4" ?֥) ; Merkha ("`5" ?֦) ; Merkha Kefula ("`6" ?֭) ; Dehi ("`7" ?֣) ; Munah ("`8" ?֛) ; Tevir ("`9" ?֧) ; Darga ("`0" ?֪) ; Yerah Ben Yomo ("`-" ?—) ; Em Dash ("`=" ?֑) ; Etnahta ("`]" ?֚) ; Accent Yetiv ("`\\" ?֤) ; Mahapakh ("`a" ?ׇ) ; Qamats Qatan ("`g" ? ◦) ; White Bullet ("`h" ?\u0336) ; Combining Long Stroke Overlay ("`;" ?\;) ("`'" ?\u0323); Combining Dot Below (Lower Point??) ("`m" ?\u200C) ; ZWNJ ("`," ?») ; mirroring ("`." ?«) ; mirroring ("`/" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("`!" ?֗) ; Revia ("`@" ?֮) ; Zinor ("`#" ?֙) ; Pashta ("`$" ?֠) ; Telisha Gedola ("`%" ?֩) ; Telisha Qetana ("`&" ?֡) ; Pazer ("`*" ?֕) ; Zaqef Gadol ("`(" ?֓) ; Shalshelet ("`)" ?֯) ; Masora Circle ("`_" ?ֿ) ; Rafe ("`+" ?◌) ; Dotted Circle ("`E" ?ֱ) ; Hataf Segol ("`O" ?ֳ) ; Hataf Qamats ("`P" ?\u034F) ; CGJ ("`{" ?֔) ; Zaqef Qatan ("`}" ?֒) ; Segol (Accent) ("`|" ?֫) ; Ole ("`A" ?ֲ) ; Hataf Patah ("`G" ?•) ; Bullet ("`H" ?\u030A) ; Combining ring above ("`:" ?׃) ; Sof Pasuq ("`\"" ?ׄ) ; Upper Dot ("`M" ?\u200D) ; ZWJ ("`<" ?\u0307) ; Combining dot above ("`>" ?\u0308) ; Combining Diaeresis ) (quail-define-package "yiddish-royal" "Hebrew" "ײר" nil "Yiddish Royal input method. Based on Royal Yiddish typewriter. Better for yiddish than Hebrew methods. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("`" ?~) ("q" ?ק) ; Qof ("w" [ "אָ" ]) ; Qamats Alef (Komets Alef) ("e" ?ר) ; Resh ("r" ?א) ; Alef (Shtumer Alef) ("t" ?ט) ; Tet ("y" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav (Tsvey Vovn) ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("o" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("p" [ "פֿ" ]) ; Rafe Pe (Fey) ("[" [ "פּ" ]) ; Dagesh Pe (Pey) ("]" ?,) ("a" ?ש) ; Shin ("s" ?ד) ; Dalet ("d" ?ג) ; Gimel ("f" ?כ) ; Kaf ("g" ?ע) ; Ayin ("h" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod (Tsvey Yudn) ("j" ?י) ; Yod ("k" ?ח) ; Het ("l" ?ל) ; Lamed (";" ?ך) ; Final Kaf ("'" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("z" ?.) ("x" ?ז) ; Zayin ("c" ?ס) ; Samekh ("v" ?ב) ; Bet ("b" ?ה) ; He ("n" ?נ) ; Nun ("m" ?מ) ; Mem ("," ?צ) ; Tsadi ("." ?ת) ; Tav ("/" ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("~" ?@) ("!" ?”) ; Right Double Quotation Mark ("@" ?„) ; Double Low-9 Quotation Mark ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("Q" ?“) ; Left Double Quotation Mark ("W" ?”) ; Right Double Quotation Mark ("E" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod (x2) ("R" [ "אַ" ]) ; Patah Alef (Pasekh Alef) ; ("T" "") ("Y" ?ױ) ; Ligature Yiddish Vav Yod (vov yud) ("U" [ "וּ" ]) ; Melupm vov ("I" ?/) ("O" ?\\) ("P" ?פ) ; Pe ("{" ??) ("}" ?!) ("A" [ "שׂ" ]) ; Shin + Sin dot ("S" [ "שׂ" ]) ; Shin + Sin dot ; ("D" "") ("F" [ "כּ" ]) ; Dagesh Kaf (Kof) ; ("G" "") ("H" [ "ײַ" ]) ; Yiddish Double Yod + Patah (Pasekh Tsvey Yudn) ("J" [ "יִ" ]) ; Khirik Yud ("K" ?}) ; mirroring ("L" ?{) ; mirroring ("\"" ?\;) ("Z" ??) ("X" ?|) ("C" [ "בּ" ]) ; Dagesh Bet (Beys) ("V" [ "בֿ" ]) ; Rafe Bet (Veys) ("B" ?\]) ; mirroring ("N" ?\[) ; mirroring ("M" ?>) ; mirroring ("<" ?<) ; mirroring (">" [ "תּ" ]) ; Dagesh Tav (Tof) ("?" ?\') ) (quail-define-package "yiddish-keyman" "Hebrew" "ײק" nil "Yiddish Keyman input method. Based on Keyman keyboard layout. Better for yiddish than Hebrew methods.. " nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("`" ?\;) ("q" ?„) ; Double Low-9 Quotation Mark ("w" ?ש) ; Shin ("e" ?ע) ; Ayin ("r" ?ר) ; Resh ("t" ?ט) ; Tet ("y" ?י) ; Yod ("u" ?ו) ; Vav ("i" ?י) ; Yod (x2) ("o" [ "אָ" ]) ; Qamats Alef (Komets Alef) ("p" [ "פּ" ]) ; Dagesh Pe (Pey) ("[" ?\]) ; mirroring ("]" ?\[) ; mirroring ("a" [ "אַ" ]) ; Patah Alef (Pasekh Alef) ("s" ?ס) ; Samekh ("d" ?ד) ; Dalet ("f" [ "פֿ" ]) ; Rafe Pe (Fey) ("g" ?ג) ; Gimel ("h" ?ה) ; He ("j" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod (Tsvey Yudn) ("k" ?ק) ; Qof ("l" ?ל) ; Lamed ("z" ?ז) ; Zayin ("x" ?כ) ; Kaf ("c" ?צ) ; Tsadi ("v" ?װ) ; Yiddish Double Vav (Tsvey Vovn) ("b" ?ב) ; Bet ("n" ?נ) ; Nun ("m" ?מ) ; Mem ("(" ?\)) ; mirroring (")" ?\() ; mirroring ("Q" ?”) ; Right Double Quotation Mark ("W" [ "שׂ" ]) ; Shin + Sin dot ("E" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod (x2) ; ("R" "") ; ("T" [ "תּ" ]) ; Dagesh Tav (Tof) ("Y" [ "ײַ" ]) ; Yiddish Double Yod + Patah (Pasekh Tsvey Yudn) ("U" [ "וּ" ]) ; Melupm vov ("I" [ "יִ" ]) ; Khirik Yud ("O" ?ױ) ; Ligature Yiddish Vav Yod (vov yud) ; ("P" "") ("{" ?}) ; mirroring ("}" ?{) ; mirroring ("A" ?א) ; Alef (Shtumer Alef) ("S" ?ת) ; Tav ("F" ?ף) ; Final Pe ("G" ?׳) ; Geresh (Punct.) ("H" ?ח) ; Het ("J" ?ײ) ; Yiddish Double Yod (x2) ("K" [ "כּ" ]) ; Dagesh Kaf (Kof) ; ("L" "") ; ("Z" "") ("X" ?ך) ; Final Kaf ("C" ?ץ) ; Final Tsadi ("V" [ "בֿ" ]) ; Rafe Bet (Veys) ) ; Bet ; ("B" "") ("N" ?ן) ; Final Nun ("M" ?ם) ; Final Mem ("<" ?>) ; mirroring (">" ?<) ; mirroring ) ;;; hebrew.el ends here