Creating a new file that is to be encrypted in emacs with easypg fails with the error: Opening output file: stringp, nil Steps to reproduce: emacs -Q (require 'epa-file) (epa-file-enable) C-x C-f somefile.gpg type some text and try and save the file with C-x C-s observe error: Opening output file: stringp, nil and file is not saved. I expect it should ask me which gpg key I want to encrypt the file for rather than throwing an error. I tested this with emacs -Q under cygwin and got the error emacs compiled today from git. version "" checkout: fa431ad4a3f3040f6cc4535627c4d6f48ede9a94 I also tested on linux emacs v. where it seems to work as expected. backtrace seems to include some control characters, i presume because the el files are compiled to elc unfortunately I was unable to determine which files I should change to .el files so it would have a proper backtrace included here in case that's of use? Jason Lewis