From: "Herman, Geza" <>
Subject: bug#62352: Very slow scroll-down-line with a lot of text properties
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 21:01:58 +0100 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 8528 bytes --]
Emacs can freeze for seconds when scroll-down-line is called multiple
times if the buffer contains a lot of text properties.
I noticed this when using lsp-mode for C++.
To reproduce the issue without lsp-mode, execute this elisp command with
M-:, this will add a face to operators:
(font-lock-add-keywords 'c++-mode '(("[][~!^&\|<>:=,.\\+*/%-]" 0 'error)))
Also, bind scroll-down-line to a key, like shift-up:
(global-set-key (kbd "<S-up>") 'scroll-down-line)
Then, put the attached example.cpp into a c++ buffer, move the point to
the bottom, then press and hold shift-up. Emacs will update the window
for several scroll events, but after that it won't update the screen for
a while. Even after shift-up is released, Emacs needs several seconds to
be interactive again.
In GNU Emacs 29.0.60 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.24.36, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2023-03-21 built on okoska
Repository revision: 7a1272168af1a5b82979efa29451147c5d867981
Repository branch: emacs-29
Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12101006
System Description: Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid
Configured using:
'configure --with-native-compilation=aot --without-compress-install
--with-json --with-xinput2 --with-xwidgets --with-tree-sitter
Configured features:
Important settings:
value of $LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
value of $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
value of $XMODIFIERS: @im=none
locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix
Major mode: C++//l
Minor modes in effect:
tooltip-mode: t
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mouse-wheel-mode: t
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line-number-mode: t
indent-tabs-mode: t
transient-mark-mode: t
auto-composition-mode: t
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auto-compression-mode: t
abbrev-mode: t
Load-path shadows:
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hide-mode-line-autoloads company-box-autoloads transpose-frame-autoloads
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dired-subtree-autoloads dired-hacks-utils-autoloads
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request-autoloads git-gutter-fringe-autoloads git-gutter-autoloads
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projectile-autoloads marginalia-autoloads dumb-jump-autoloads
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lorem-ipsum-autoloads expand-region-autoloads shut-up-autoloads
flycheck-autoloads pkg-info-autoloads epl-autoloads
page-break-lines-autoloads embark-autoloads which-key-autoloads
blamer-autoloads posframe-autoloads git-link-autoloads
drag-stuff-autoloads code-review-autoloads emojify-autoloads
forge-autoloads yaml-autoloads deferred-autoloads uuidgen-autoloads
ghub-autoloads treepy-autoloads a-autoloads magit-autoloads
magit-section-autoloads git-commit-autoloads with-editor-autoloads
transient-autoloads closql-autoloads emacsql-autoloads compat-autoloads
lsp-mode-autoloads lv-autoloads markdown-mode-autoloads
spinner-autoloads ht-autoloads f-autoloads s-autoloads dash-autoloads
rmc iso-transl tooltip cconv eldoc paren electric uniquify ediff-hook
vc-hooks lisp-float-type elisp-mode mwheel term/x-win x-win
term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe
tabulated-list replace newcomment text-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register
page tab-bar menu-bar rfn-eshadow isearch easymenu timer select
scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax font-core term/tty-colors
frame minibuffer nadvice seq simple cl-generic indonesian philippine
cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao
korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek romanian slovak czech
european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese composite emoji-zwj charscript
charprop case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help abbrev obarray oclosure
cl-preloaded button loaddefs theme-loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp
files window text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env
code-pages mule custom widget keymap hashtable-print-readable backquote
threads xwidget-internal dbusbind inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting
system-font-setting font-render-setting cairo move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit
xinput2 x multi-tty make-network-process native-compile emacs)
Memory information:
((conses 16 150387 10063)
(symbols 48 11460 0)
(strings 32 32439 3583)
(string-bytes 1 1406757)
(vectors 16 19041)
(vector-slots 8 386441 14177)
(floats 8 38 102)
(intervals 56 7894 0)
(buffers 984 13))
[-- Attachment #2: example.cpp --]
[-- Type: text/x-c++src, Size: 9448 bytes --]
#include <array>
struct AffineMatrix {
std::array<float, 12> c;
AffineMatrix foo(const AffineMatrix &a, const AffineMatrix &b) {
AffineMatrix r;
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
r.c[0] = a.c[0] * b.c[0] + a.c[1] * b.c[4] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[1] = a.c[0] * b.c[1] + a.c[1] * b.c[5] + a.c[2] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[2] = a.c[0] * b.c[2] + a.c[1] * b.c[6] + a.c[2] * b.c[10];
r.c[3] = a.c[0] * b.c[3] + a.c[1] * b.c[7] + a.c[2] * b.c[11] + a.c[3];
r.c[4] = a.c[4] * b.c[0] + a.c[5] * b.c[4] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[5] = a.c[4] * b.c[1] + a.c[5] * b.c[5] + a.c[6] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[6] = a.c[4] * b.c[2] + a.c[5] * b.c[6] + a.c[6] * b.c[10];
r.c[7] = a.c[4] * b.c[3] + a.c[5] * b.c[7] + a.c[6] * b.c[11] + a.c[7];
r.c[ 8] = a.c[8] * b.c[0] + a.c[9] * b.c[4] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 8];
r.c[ 9] = a.c[8] * b.c[1] + a.c[9] * b.c[5] + a.c[10] * b.c[ 9];
r.c[10] = a.c[8] * b.c[2] + a.c[9] * b.c[6] + a.c[10] * b.c[10];
r.c[11] = a.c[8] * b.c[3] + a.c[9] * b.c[7] + a.c[10] * b.c[11] + a.c[11];
return r;
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Thread overview: 16+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2023-03-21 20:01 Herman, Geza [this message]
2023-03-21 20:26 ` bug#62352: Very slow scroll-down-line with a lot of text properties Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-21 20:39 ` Herman, Géza
2023-03-21 21:58 ` Gregory Heytings
2023-03-25 11:58 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-25 12:33 ` Herman, Géza
2023-03-25 12:42 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-25 13:41 ` Herman, Géza
2023-03-25 14:02 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-25 15:24 ` Herman, Géza
2023-03-25 16:20 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-25 17:38 ` Herman, Géza
2023-03-25 17:49 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-25 21:39 ` Herman, Géza
2023-03-26 4:55 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-03-26 7:14 ` Herman, Géza
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