Hello, I've written a patch for Bug #39912, as discussed in debbugs. I think I have formatted this correctly and have followed CONTRIBUTE as best as I could. I've marked the patch as exempt from copyright assignment as my understanding is that 15 lines of code is the threshold. That being said, I have no problems assigning copyright for this and for future patches, and I would like to get the ball rolling on that now if possible. One thing I should mention is that the thread discussed view-mode for NEWS links in describe-function. I've also changed it so the actual source code link opens in view-mode as well. I don't know if there are ramifications of that, so I'm happy to change it if necessary. My thought process was that describe-function is used as a reference to the code, not as a point of entry for editing functions, so changing that is consistent with changing the NEWS links, but I don't know what I don't know. Thanks, Nick