>>>>> "Glenn" == Glenn Morris writes: > "Joel J. Adamson" wrote: >> Turning on Emacs Development Environment, then opening a project >> directory results in > Do you have lisp/cedet/ede/makefile-edit.el* in your install? No, it is not in my current install --- this appears to be the problem, at least proximately. I just examined the results of my weekly CVS update and the file is in the source tree. I also used the same build script (available at http://www.unc.edu/~adamsonj/software/emacs-cvs/emacs-cvs.SlackBuild) on another machine with the same distro and Gnome version, and had the same results: lisp/cedet/ede/makefile-edit.el is there, and is byte-compiled, but is not installed. The rest of CEDET is installed (as best I can tell from a cursory examination of the files). Joel -- Joel J. Adamson -- http://www.unc.edu/~adamsonj University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB #3280, Coker Hall Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280