On 01/03/2023 14:41, Po Lu via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors wrote: > Dmitry Gutov writes: > >> Nope, it's for the "no problem" case. Hence the name. > Huh, that's really weird. If blink-cursor-mode is not the source of the > inconsistencies, then the only explanation is that GNOME somehow behaves > badly if: > > - the back buffer is displayed prior to the title being set. > - the WM name is changed. > - another buffer swap happens 400 ms later. This delay happens because of the human factor: I need to hit 'a' after the frame has fully rendered, to run the command (which inserts !, redisplays, then calls find-file). > I will try to see if I can reproduce this. > >> I am sure, but just to verify, I redid the experiment again. See >> attached files, the naming scheme is the same: two problem cases and >> one "okay" case. > Was blink-cursor-mode turned off, BTW? If it is on, then potentially > superfluous buffer swaps will end up in the logs once per > blink-cursor-interval and screw them up. But blink-cursor-mode was on, of course. It's -Q: everything's on what was not turned off. And it turns out to be the reason for the difference between this and my personal config. With blink-cursor-mode off, the delay can reach multiple seconds like I previously reported. Attaching new recordings with b-c-m off, same naming scheme.