On Jan 17, 2020, at 1:53 PM, Alan Third <alan@idiocy.org> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 04:48:56PM -0500, Michael Dixon wrote:

That’s good.

I suppose it just leaves the question of whether we disable this for
macOS 10.15, or if we just get rid of it altogether. My understanding
is that all it does is allow the use of C-g to quit the file open and
save dialogues. I don’t see much reason to keep it, but if anyone
actually uses this let me know.

And sorry, just to complicate things, it looks like the patch fixed
anything related to File > Open. But I just tried to use the menu to
do a File > Save as… and that still resulted in a crash. File > Save
worked fine though.

Can you send the crash report for this? It can’t be for the same Classes.
Alan Third

I’m going to attach the macOS crash report, which is just plain text.

The part I can understand does look the same as what I was seeing before:

Application Specific Information:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSObjectNotAvailableException', reason: 'EmacsSavePanel is not a supported subclass for sandboxing'
abort() called
terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

Is it possible EmacsSavePanel is used somewhere else?