This bug report will be sent to the Bug-GNU-Emacs mailing list and the GNU bug tracker at Please check that the From: line contains a valid email address. After a delay of up to one day, you should receive an acknowledgment at that address. Please write in English if possible, as the Emacs maintainers usually do not have translators for other languages. Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug, and the precise symptoms of the bug. If you can, give a recipe starting from `emacs -Q': nxml-mode indents multiple lines in a comment block to match the preceding line's indentation, even for blank lines. It should ignore blank lines when determining indent level. I couldn't find any mention of this bug in the mailing list archives, which I searched with Google's site: feature, but I may have missed something. To reproduce: Start emacs with -Q. Create a new buffer. Start XML mode: M-x xml-mode Enter the following text: Put the cursor before '-->' and press Tab. It will indent to the same level as '