On Jun 19, 2023, at 23:46, Aaron Jensen <aaronjensen@gmail.com> wrote:

Kai, could you try this patch out. It's a total guess, but let me know
if it does any better for you.

Thanks. I have been running this for several days.  It does not fix the problem completely, but it’s possible to set polling-period to a very small value now.

diff --git a/src/nsterm.h b/src/nsterm.h
index b6e5a813a6d..4f6c6f7c28b 100644
--- a/src/nsterm.h
+++ b/src/nsterm.h
@@ -1384,3 +1384,11 @@ #define NSButtonTypeMomentaryPushIn
extern void mark_nsterm (void);

#endif /* HAVE_NS */
+#define AJTRACE(...)                                          \
+  do                                                                      \
+    {                                                                     \
+        fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                    \
+        putc ('\n', stderr);     \
+    }                                                                     \
+  while(0)
diff --git a/src/nsterm.m b/src/nsterm.m
index 3e089cc1ff1..5a92f4cda0b 100644
--- a/src/nsterm.m
+++ b/src/nsterm.m
@@ -2708,9 +2708,9 @@ Hide the window (X11 semantics)
    EmacsView *view = FRAME_NS_VIEW (f);

    [view copyRect:srcRect to:dest];
-    [view setNeedsDisplayInRect:destRect];
+// #ifdef NS_IMPL_COCOA
+//     [view setNeedsDisplayInRect:destRect];
+// #endif

  unblock_input ();
@@ -10636,9 +10636,9 @@ - (void) display

      /* Schedule a run of getContext so that if Emacs is idle it will
         perform the buffer copy, etc.  */
-      [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector (getContext)
-                             withObject:nil
-                          waitUntilDone:NO];
+      // [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector (getContext)
+      //                        withObject:nil
+      //                     waitUntilDone:NO];

@@ -10651,6 +10651,7 @@ - (void) copyContentsTo: (IOSurfaceRef) destination
  IOReturn lockStatus;
  IOSurfaceRef source = (IOSurfaceRef)[self contents];
  void *sourceData, *destinationData;
+  int seed1 = 0, seed2 = 1;
  int numBytes = IOSurfaceGetAllocSize (destination);

  NSTRACE_WHEN (NSTRACE_GROUP_FOCUS, "[EmacsLayer copyContentsTo:]");
@@ -10662,14 +10663,31 @@ - (void) copyContentsTo: (IOSurfaceRef) destination
  if (lockStatus != kIOReturnSuccess)
    NSLog (@"Failed to lock source surface: %x", lockStatus);

+  lockStatus = IOSurfaceLock (destination, kIOSurfaceLockAvoidSync, nil);
+  if (lockStatus != kIOReturnSuccess)
+    NSLog (@"Failed to lock destination surface: %x", lockStatus);
  sourceData = IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress (source);
  destinationData = IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress (destination);

-  /* Since every IOSurface should have the exact same settings, a
-     memcpy seems like the fastest way to copy the data from one to
-     the other.  */
-  memcpy (destinationData, sourceData, numBytes);
+  while (seed1 != seed2)
+    {
+      seed1 = IOSurfaceGetSeed (source);
+      /* Since every IOSurface should have the exact same settings, a
+        memcpy seems like the fastest way to copy the data from one to
+        the other.  */
+      memcpy (destinationData, sourceData, numBytes);

+      seed2 = IOSurfaceGetSeed (source);
+      if (seed1 != seed2) {

I haven't seen this message so far. So probably it is removing performSelectorOnMainThread that is effective.

+      }
+    }
+  lockStatus = IOSurfaceUnlock (destination, kIOSurfaceLockAvoidSync, nil);
+  if (lockStatus != kIOReturnSuccess)
+    NSLog (@"Failed to unlock destination surface: %x", lockStatus);
  lockStatus = IOSurfaceUnlock (source, kIOSurfaceLockReadOnly, nil);
  if (lockStatus != kIOReturnSuccess)
    NSLog (@"Failed to unlock source surface: %x", lockStatus);