On October 17, 2020, 7:41 PM GMT+11 larsi@gnus.org wrote:

Brett Randall <brett.randall@gmail.com> writes:

> Actions that triggered the bug:
> M-x edit-abbrevs
> Enter abbrevs in fundamental or global abbreviations at bottom of the list, e.g.:
> "dfn" 0 "definition"
> C-c C-c
> Buffer appears committed (modified flag disappears). Close buffer, test the abbrev
> in "abbrev-mode" minor mode and nothing happens. M-x edit-abbrevs again. The
> definition I entered is no longer there. This is in the same session. Emacs was not
> closed/reopened. The definitions are not applying/temporarily saving.

I'm unable to reproduce this bug either in Emacs 26.3 or on the trunk.
`C-c C-c' in the *Abbrevs* buffer updates the abbreviation for me.

Are you able to reproduce this bug starting from "emacs -Q"?

Yes, the bug exists from there too.
