16 nov. 2019 kl. 13.35 skrev Eli Zaretskii : > Did you try this with stretch glyphs generated by the likes of > :align-to display 'space' properties? Also, what about stretch glyphs > generated by the display engine in R2L screen lines (you can get those > easily by visiting TUTORIAL.he: each line that has white space at its > left end has a stretch glyph there)? I didn't try right-to-left text until now --- thanks for prodding --- and the behaviour was predictably awful. An updated patch (attached) tries to do better (up to what is possible with the underlying rect.el machinery). > IOW, it might be necessary to add more conditions here, and just the > mouse_movement_in_tab thingy you added in a later version might not be > enough. E.g., we may need a condition that verifies that this is a > TAB (should be easy by looking at glyph->object, I think). After some false starts, I settled on the simpler 'fine-grained-mouse-movement' solution, giving pixel-wise events no matter what the mouse is pointing at. The extra cost for this is imperceptibly slight, and it feels more generally useful than the 'mouse-movement-in-tab' thingy.