/* A dummy include, to offset the fix-it include in test_1 below. */ #include struct vert { int color; }; void *test_1 (void) { /* -Wimplicit-function-declaration should generate a fix-it hint that adds a whole new line suggesting a #include, added after the existing #include. */ return malloc (4096); } void test_2a (struct vert *v) { /* Some non-ASCII text preceding a fix-it hint. */ /* 🙂 🙂 🙂 */ v->colour = 0; } void test_2b (struct vert *v) { /* Some other non-ASCII text preceding a fix-it hint. */ /* π π π */ v->colour = 0; } void test_2c (struct vert *v) { /* Yet more non-ASCII text preceding a fix-it hint. */ /* 文字化け */ v->colour = 0; } void test_3 (struct vert *v) { /* Tabs and spaces preceding a fix-it hint. */ v->colour = 0; } void test_4 (struct vert *v) { /* More than one fix-it on the same line. */ if (v->colour) v->colour += 2; } double test_5 (void) { /* Non-ASCII replacement. */ const double two_π = (3.141 * 2); return two_pi; }