Thanks. If the conclusion of that issue will be that this is a core Emacs bug, please come back here and point out the details. Eli, it seems that it is inconclusive. Vasilij Schneidermann from the Evil developer team has marked my bug submission there as “wontfix” on the basis of the complexity of the underlying issue. May I respectfully ask you to have even a cursory look at the comment he made on this thread: which explains how the xterm handling of the mouse may or may not be an Emacs core issue? Maybe you can surmise more than I could as to whether this is a core or an evil-mode issue. I also feel, from that thread, that the evil-mode team does not wish to focus on the text (terminal) mode of Emacs as he has suggested to me "not use Emacs in the terminal, it will save you much frustration.” I suppose I will have to stick with vim more often than I would have wanted to. I really like how evil-mode brought the best of Emacs and Vim together, which is what I use on a daily basis in the GUI—but I still need to work in textual terminals a good bit, too. Either way, many thanks for your kind comments and help. Rafal