In Eshell, if I run "time cat config.log" from my Emacs build directory, it reports that it takes about 7.5s. It also doesn't show *any* output until it's completely finished. With my attached patches, it now takes about 0.6s and also shows the output iteratively, redisplaying periodically so users can see that something is happening. The other command most likely to be impacted by this is the built-in version of "ls". When I run "ls -Al /usr/bin" on my system, I go from 2.1s before my patch to 1.2s after. Not as big an improvement, but still noticeable, and it *feels* a lot faster too with the iterative redisplay. I don't usually add a NEWS entry for perf improvements, but this one seemed notable enough that I figured it was worth tooting my own horn. :)