I had to comment out this:
(setq tramp-rsh-end-of-line "\r\n") ;; opens empty buffer instead of file
And also this
(global-ede-mode t) ;; tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

18.09.2021, 14:09, "Michael Albinus" <michael.albinus@gmx.de>:

Bad Blue Bull <ibmbull@yandex.ru> writes:

 removed both tramp and recentf, still same problem...

 What the hell this can be (\scripts\ver_linux and \src\emacs.c)?

src/emacs.c looks like a file from the Emacs repo. scripts/ver_linux I
don't know.

Since it works when you call "emacs -Q", please bisect your ~/.emacs
until you have found the problematic config. That is, comment half of
the file, and start a new Emacs session. If the problem persists,
continue with commenting again, half of the still active .emacs
file. Otherwise, the problematic config is in the commented .emacs
part. Uncomment this part, comment the other part, and continue.

Best regards, Michael.